The Ultimate Guide on Increasing Traffic on Website

Here we talk about the basic steps of increasing website traffic.

All websites try to grow their traffic. While increasing traffic on website is good, boosting qualified traffic is even better! So, what is the best way to generate traffic to your site? How to target your buyer persona? Well, this is something that we want to talk about in this article of Gazettely.

The best way of increasing traffic on website?

In the following, you will discover which SEO techniques really work. We will also talk about how to measure your results, to see if you have really acquired qualified traffic on your website. If you are eager to learn more about this topic, stay tuned as we will discuss numerous ways of increasing traffic on website.

Why and how to define your buyer persona?

The buyer persona is the perfect target customer, the ideal to reach in your business sector. What is your goal? To define his/her habits, preferences, expectations, so that your offers can “speak” to him/her.

This is easy to say, but not always easy to do! Feel free to contact a Web Marketing Agency such as Opza, which will be able to implement all the digital levers necessary to the success of your project:

This entire work in terms of digital strategy will enable you to understand and define the content that interests your targets, to determine the questions that an Internet user asks when faced with an offer… Ultimately, you will get an excellent return on investment.

Google Analytics

You will understand better what motivates them and what is able to influence their choice. By focusing on all this, you will be able to understand the unmet needs of your targets, and you will be able to provide an answer. But how? Very simply by using the right strategies and web marketing techniques. Stay tuned to know more about increasing traffic on website!

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Develop SEO-friendly content

Many people still think that good web content can be written by anyone who can correctly write on a given topic. This is not true! Web copywriting comes with its own set of rules, and it’s not for no reason that the web copywriting profession was created to produce search engine friendly content.

Certainly, your website pages and other blog posts must be properly written. But more than that, you will need to start by thinking about answering a need, a question from your prospects. Provide answers to your target, and you will create a bond of proximity and trust with them that could be the beginning of a long-lasting business relationship.

Organize your ideas and your editorial line, create your H1 titles in the form of questions, and deliver well-conducted and complete answers. In order to improve your on-page digital strategy, tailor your content to your prospects as well as to Google. Because well-referenced content is content that will be visible in the first results of search engines. However, it is on these pages that Internet users will look for their answers.

Therefore, internal linking, semantic mapping, rich semantic optimization, wide presence of keywords, hN tagging…, are some of the points that will give your website a good on-page optimization.

This way, your traffic increases since your reputation on the web inspires trust in your prospects, with interesting and relevant content that provides an answer to Internet users.

When it comes to SEO, every page counts, and so does every keyword. So adopting a good content strategy is not an option, but an imperative to attract visitors’ attention.

In this respect, remember to adapt your content to the Google EAT expectations: expertise, authority and trustworthiness are the keywords today for the most renowned search engine in the world! Demonstrate your expertise on a variety of topics linked to your field of expertise, promote your authority on different media, and set up a trustworthy site from a security point of view: the winning SEO combo!

Last but not least, remember to relay your content on social networks. Linkedin, among others, is a great channel to acquire qualified web traffic. This will generate more qualified web traffic to your site and the click-through rate will increase naturally. These days, social networks and media have in fact become an important source of traffic. Stay tuned to know more about increasing traffic on website.

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Backlinks, the essential natural link building method for your website

While on-page optimization is essential, you must never neglect off-page SEO, which is done through web linking and backlinks. This is one of the different levers that are essential for qualified web traffic on your website.

What is its objective? To make you go up in the Google search results. As we have mentioned, the more Google will consider that your site is interesting, the higher it will appear in the search results. This means that you will receive more visits to your site.

Once this audience is acquired, they can view your on-site content and form an opinion about your expertise, which will generate interesting qualified traffic.

If it’s interesting to have a rich and varied profile of sponsored links, do not overlook the backlinks placed on big authority sites. Indeed, these are read by a large audience, which may well want to know a little more about you…

Would you like to develop a particular service? Are you not visible enough on certain keywords? Let a web agency like Opza perform an audit of your e-commerce or blogging site. Based on the keywords positioned or not, the agency will know which SEO strategy to implement to optimize your visibility and develop your reputation in this field of expertise!

Always remember: a better reputation on Google will earn you in the long run (and in a sustainable way), a better awareness from your target audience. Stay tuned to know more about increasing traffic on website.

How to measure and analyze the performance of your website?

To know and analyze your website is the foundation of success and allows you to better generate a qualified audience. So how do you analyze the traffic of your website?

Well, here we are faced with this famous term KPI that you may have already heard. They are the key performance indicators of your site.

First of all, please note that Google measures the importance of a page according to the time spent on it by the Internet user. Therefore, we always come back to this essential qualitative content (in this respect, think also about media, such as videos and infographics and other visuals, to capture the attention of your readers even more).

Your visitor’s journey will also be carefully examined… But is your site interesting enough to capture your prospects? Stay tuned to know more about increasing traffic on website.

Google Analytics is a very good tool to analyze the audience of your site. It will help you to define :

The bounce rate will also be audited, along with the average time spent on a page. The conversion rate should also be studied closely. In order to trigger the conversion of a prospect into a customer, do not hesitate to use CTA buttons on your content and your different pages.

While Google Analytics is a particularly popular tool, some people prefer SEMrush, which is also very efficient. However, try to stay focused on one tool only, and above all, be constant in your analyses!

Also, listen to the advice of web marketing agencies. If the company of your choice believes that website redesign is necessary, trust them, as this can sometimes make the difference. Nowadays, tools such as Swan Tools make it easy to automate the migration of a site. It may be part of the success of the conversion rate of your site!

There are many techniques to capture web traffic. From defining the buyer persona to natural link building, through keyword research, content quality and presence on social networks, there is a long list of main action levers. Throw in a little Google AdWords and paid search, and your conversion rate will naturally skyrocket!

Do you know any other ways of increasing traffic on website? Let us know in the comments section below.

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