5 Mistakes Successful Women Would Never Make

If you quit these five habits and take the following five solutions to heart, you will really take off!

Here come the dos and don’ts for more happiness and trump. These tricks will tell you a few simple strategies that “successful people” naturally do – daily and without giving it much thought. Best of all, you can do it too. In fact, it’s not that hard

Don’t take care of yourself

Successful Women

At the moment, self-love is on everyone’s lips and is propagated almost inflationary by media and bloggers. Be kind to yourself, practise self-love and life will promise you a feeling of well-being on a continuous loop, expertly illustrated with sun salutations, facial masks and yoga seats. But it’s not that easy. The others somehow always manage it better than you do. So how exactly am I being good to myself? And what exactly do I have to do? We will tell you:

Solution: nutrition, nature and exercise – that’s it.

Clearly, you can do yoga, have Instagrammable smoothies, or take a full bath. But the thing that’s actually at stake when you want to be good to yourself isn’t so sexy. There should and must be the opposite of visible: presented not to the outside world for visual appetizers, but a treat all to yourself. Have a daily routine, living as a matter of course in your everyday life. Feed yourself a healthy diet.

Get some exercise in the fresh air, and enjoy the beauty of nature. The things we feed our body and how we strengthen it determine the potential we can achieve. Not every moment, and not the one of fueling strength, must be played out on social channels. It is so simple to be good to yourself.

Don’t network

This week was really exhausting; it’s so nice and cozy on the couch. So, you have enough reasons just to do nothing at all. It would be best if you rested in order to get back into life full of energy. However, it can also become a matter of course. You permanently shut yourself off, get used to resting mode, and your social contacts suffer.

Having people you surround yourself with and spend time with is a kind of social capital that can help them in many life situations, from finding a job to finding a place to live. People who are successful network with undisguised naturalness.

Solution: Socializing, socializing, socializing!

Who you know often counts more than what you can do. Think twice before accepting an invitation or acting like a couch potato. Networking for all it’s worth, at any opportunity, also initiate appointments yourself. Get social as if there were no tomorrow. Then it doesn’t matter if you stay home from time to time. Finally, from now on, you are a routine socialite. Meet people because you enjoy it. And the rest will follow all by itself.

Don’t negotiate

You like to take things as they come. You may be trusting that the other person wants your best and will give you what they can. However, you may be entitled to more. You are uncomfortable negotiating, you didn’t learn it, and you don’t know how it works. You are unsure, and that is not the best place to start. Here, you can become a negotiation pro with a few tips and tricks.

Solution: Haggle all the time, indeed all the time

Make it a habit to talk about money, salary, job titles, personal performance, and your skills with your friends and on the job. At every opportunity – and you can do it in a charming way without seeming pretentious. Practice makes perfect. Begin at flea markets and never accept the first offer. Do not quote figures verbally in salary negotiations; instead, prepare a written model that contrasts your ideas with concrete benefits.

Then you can elegantly justify this outline verbally with arguments. Whenever possible, don’t ever negotiate your own demand downward, but instead tighten your offer and increase your scope of benefits if necessary. Be clear that you are not willing to give up any fee or salary and consider where you can concede the form of an extra, and ideally one that comes easily to you.

Don’t show emotion

Fearing being labeled as emotional females, females often think they have to play the “tough guy” card. We keep what’s going on inside us under wraps and hope that no one will notice what’s bothering us. In doing so, we routinely miss opportunities to improve the status quo.

Solution: Using emotions and addressing problems in a targeted manner

In general, one’s own emotional world is a well-functioning reaction and evaluation barometer of external influences. In this sense: Use your emotions, feeling and interpret them. Consider which specific problem or unresolved issue is bothering you and for what reasons.

And, very significantly, in a second step, raise the matter specifically with the people it affects. Emotions make us human. Suppose we understand and use them as a hook for interaction and exchange. In that case, we are doing ourselves and our environment a favor. And the quality of our relationships with each other increases. Drama queen goes differently.

Don’t speak your mind

Do not stand out, do not fuel conflicts, be regarded as the most pleasant contemporary, friend, worker or superior possible. Many times we keep our thoughts in our heads. Because we want to please, we do not express them to the outside world. Because we are afraid of being labeled a “bitch” or of being considered “difficult”. However, what is the result of withheld opinions, emotions and ideas?

Exactly: conflict remains unresolved, good ideas are not developed further, relationships suffer, and in the long run, frustration arises because we do not stand by ourselves. Therefore, it pays to break through these belief patterns.

Solution: Be empathetic, diplomatic and confident

What matters is not that you express your point of view, but rather how you do it: Switching to “automatic,” shifting into “opinion mode” – and keeping the focus on how – is already half the battle – no, all the battle. Specifically, this means: stop questioning what you are saying, just do it.

Do it as a matter of course, as though you’ve never done it any other way. Place your emphasis on your tone of voice and choice of words. Be empathic, diplomatic, and persuade your counterpart with robust sovereignty. Using these guidelines, all you can do is find the right words and win.

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