Best Morning Routines That Lead to Weight Loss

With the help of these healthy habits, you can quickly get rid of those fats!

Do you feel like you can’t lose weight? That you cannot, you have to stop eating and just exercise? To lose a few pounds, it is not necessary to completely change your current eating habits and lifestyle. In fact, even a few minor changes in your morning routine are enough to help you lose weight.

Practice mindfulness

One famous term in recent years – “mindfulness” – means “mindfulness” in English. It is a practice that says to focus entirely on the present moment. The practice has been shown to promote weight loss and healthy eating habits. Mindfulness practice is simple. First, spend five minutes each morning trying to sit comfortably in a quiet place and connect with your senses. And then, do not do anything else while you eat and enjoy your meal.


Longer sleep

Yup, it is that simple. Longer sleep will contribute more to weight loss than stressing out because you still have to go for a quick run in the morning. Getting to bed a little earlier or setting your alarm a little later can help with weight loss. Conversely, sleep deprivation is usually accompanied by increased appetite because the body produces a different combination of hormones than when it is tired.

A further study found that we sleep worse and less well after eating foods high in calories and carbohydrates. Experts say that people who sleep less than five hours consume an average of 559 calories more the next day than those who slept eight hours.

Drinking plenty of water

Begin your morning with a glass or two of water. Studies show that a liter of water speeds up metabolism by up to 30% on average. A different study found that overweight women who increased their water consumption to more than a liter a day lost 2 kilograms within a year without changing their diet or lifestyle.

Additionally, water drinking can reduce appetite and overall food intake for some people. Beginning with water in the morning and staying well hydrated throughout the day is a great way to promote weight loss with minimal effort.

Weighing yourself

While opinions on regular weighing often differ, studies have shown that regular morning weigh-ins can be an effective way to increase motivation and improve self-control. One study, an example, showed that those who weighed themselves daily lost 6 kg more weight in six months than those who weighed themselves less frequently or not at all.

Another study found that adults who weighed themselves daily lost an average of 4.4 kilograms more in two years than those who weighed themselves once a month. They actually gained two kilograms more in two years! The ideal is to weigh yourself right after waking up, before using the toilet and before breakfast.

However, keep in mind that your weight can fluctuate throughout the day and is affected by a number of factors. If you find it stressful to weigh yourself every day, make sure you weigh yourself at least once a week on the same day, or you may gain weight unnoticed.

Have a breakfast rich in protein

There is a good reason why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. If and what you eat for breakfast can influence the course of the following hours. In fact, it determines whether you feel full and satisfied by lunch or whether you head to the vending machine before your morning snack.

Research shows that a high-protein breakfast is associated with lower fat gain and reduced daily caloric intake. Eating protein helps with weight loss by lowering ghrelin levels, the “hunger hormone” responsible for increasing appetite. For instance, eat eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts and chia seeds for breakfast.

Fill up with the sun

Opening the curtains or blinds, walk out onto the balcony for a few minutes each morning. Some studies suggest that even moderate exposure to light at certain times of the day can affect weight, aiding weight loss. The sunlight also helps the body produce vitamin D, but it is only in the summer; in winter, it is too weak, so vitamin D must be supplied in the form of supplements.

Sunshine can also help with weight loss and even prevent weight gain. In one study, researchers looked at obese or overweight women who took vitamin D for a year or just a placebo. The ones who actually took vitamin D supplements lost an average of 3.2 kilograms more weight than those who did not take vitamin D.


Doing physical activity first thing in the morning can accelerate your weight loss. Different studies of overweight women who exercised at different times of the day found that those who exercised in the morning or afternoon showed no differences in specific food cravings.

However, exercising first thing in the morning after waking up showed a greater feeling of satiety. If you exercise in the morning, this helps keep your blood glucose levels stable throughout the day. Lower levels can lead to excessive hunger pangs, among other things.

Track your intake

This may seem tedious, try keeping a food diary so you can see in the evening what you ate during the day. Begin first thing in the morning and write down everything you eat. Also, write down your drinks – you’ll be shocked at how much you consume without realizing it. Or you might find that you’re eating too little protein but too many carbohydrates.

Several studies have shown that people who kept regular diaries to self-monitor their diet and exercise lost more weight than those who did not. On the internet, there are several sites where you can write down your food plan – the sites also calculate your calories and nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) at the same time.

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Prepare your lunch

Having your lunch planned and prepared in advance is an easy way to aid in the weight loss process. Many studies suggest that meal planning is associated with better diet quality, greater variety, and a lower risk of obesity.

One other study found that eating home-cooked meals more frequently was associated with a lower risk of excess body fat storage. People who ate home-cooked meals at work five times a week had a 28% lower risk of being overweight than those who ate home-cooked meals only three times or less per week.

Keep the car in the garage

While driving to work is convenient, it may not be ideal for your waistline. The research shows that walking, cycling or taking public transportation leads to weight loss and a lower risk of weight gain. In one study, people who used a car to commute for four years gained more weight than those who didn’t use a car.

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