Thor: Love and Thunder – A Key Scene of the Film Was Shot in a Supermarket Parking Lot

Hollywood's paths are undiscovered.

The movie Thor: Love and Thunder has now been in theaters for almost a week, while the cast and creators have been giving more interviews. Entertainment Weekly editors had the chance to interview the director of this Marvel blockbuster, and Taika Waititi agreed to share a very interesting piece of information.

We found out that one of the key scenes of the movie was shot in a supermarket parking lot. More details on this can be found in the following, but we warn you about spoilers.

The director of Thor: Love and Thunder has revealed that the meeting between Thor, Jane, Gorr and Eternity was filmed in the parking lot of a Best Buy supermarket.

“There’s a scene that’s just breathtaking, and we really shot it in the Best Buy parking lot. We used a blue screen, so everything looked very dramatic. In the film itself it looked amazing, and in fact it was an ordinary parking lot,” Natalie Portman said.

Taika Waititi and Natalie Portman

Playing the role of Jane Foster, the actress didn’t want to reveal what scene it was about, but the director has decided not to keep the audience in suspense.

“We shot probably two scenes there. But the main shot is the sea world of Eternity. We built a pool about 60 cm deep.” – Taika Waititi added.

What’s interesting is that movie studios have similar locations where open space scenes are shot. For example, Paramount Studios has its own parking lot, which was constructed mainly to shoot similar shots there.

In order to shoot a scene involving Eternity, a large empty space was required. The parking lot was perfect for this project. Of course, the background was created in computer processing.

Thor: Love and Thunder has been out in theaters for less than a week. Meanwhile, the director is already considering a return for a possible fifth installment.

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