EA Created a Patent Which Generates Content Based on How You Play the Game

Setting a different profile for every gamer?

Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts is in the process of patenting a system which would change the way video games are played, based on the style of play.

Called the Persona Driven Dynamic Content Framework, this patent claims that this “determines a player’s system based on that user’s gameplay information.” Put another way, this system creates a player profile based on your play style.

As an example, where a player spends more time exploring than fighting, he or she would be classified as an explorer. A few characters that will be included are “explorer,” “competitor,” “collector,” “support,” “fighter,” “tank/leader,” “commander,” and “completionist.”

A provided example for this system focuses on the recommendation of other games. A player’s character can be accessed by the system and compared with the characters of players who are playing a different game. If those personas match the player’s character, they are more probable to like the game in question, which will be recommended to them.

This system, however, could go well beyond game recommendations and effectively influence game content, including procedurally generated content.

Therefore, Electronic Arts could then use this data to procedurally generate the kind of content that would attract that player to whatever game is being played.

We are talking about a patent as always, and we have no idea if and when it will be incorporated into the company’s future games.

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