Mass Effect 3 Scriptwriter Explains How the Game Was Originally Going to End

The trilogy's ending caused a huge controversy on social networks.

While Andromeda failed to launch as it should, this doesn’t affect the fact that Mass Effect is regarded as one of the best trilogies in the video game industry, leading to it even being compared as the Star Wars of consoles. And that is a big word.

In any case, while it is true that many loved this Bioware trilogy, the fact is that its ending caused a great controversy, being classified by many as something completely disappointing and that obliged the studio to launch an update to try to fix it.

Despite the fact that it is no longer as common a topic of debate as it was a decade ago, it continues to come up in some conversations.

The original ending was to be similar to the one seen, but with changes

This time the topic has been raised by Bioware’s own former screenwriter, Drew Karpyshyn, who shared some details that had been unconfirmed until now. This was done on Reddit’s Ask Me Anything for the purpose of promoting his upcoming book.

mass effect

During the round of questions he was asked about how he would have concluded the end of Mass Effect, surprisingly mentioning that there was another ending originally before even writing the script for the third installment.

Karpyshyn said that in this ending the Reapers would have been attracted to the Mass Relays, being detonated to wipe out all of them and the network of relays connecting the galaxy, so that planets would have been isolated.

It is worth noting before all this that this writer was not involved in the development of the script of Mass Effect 3, with his work in the saga concentrated on the first two installments, so he did not have a greater involvement with the end.

Therefore, we will have to see if at some point in the future we know more about how Mass Effect was initially conceived. Furthermore, it only remains to remember that if you want to enjoy the saga Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is now available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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