Patch 12.13 for League of Legends Delivers Long Needed Changes

The 12.13 patch for LoL has been released, providing many heroes with buffs. It also fixed the performance of visions and made some changes to target rewards.

LoL League of Legends

The new patch 12.13 has been released for League of Legends, with Nilah already officially joining the game. Furthermore, we have learned the date when the new Star Guardian series skins will enter the store, the Master Yi has received buffs and changes have been made to the vision system on the map and goal rewards.

Patch 12.13 – most important changes

This update is quite large, and besides enhancements and weakening of individual heroes, the changes also included some in-game mechanics.

Rest of the changes in the patch

Obviously, the aforementioned changes are the ones most often highlighted by players. For other changes that included Olaf, Elise, Evelynn, and Fiddlesticks, among others, read the description of patch 12.13 on LoL’s website.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Star Guardian skins for Ekko, Kai’Sy, Nilah, Sony, and Fiddlesticks will be available in the store from July 14, 2022.

Player reactions

While the League of Legends community is a little surprised by the size of the patch, which seems on the infographic to be just a simple update, it hides a lot of content.

As for specific feedback, players are most critical of the enhancement for Master Yi. In their opinion, the character did not need any changes, let alone reinforcements.

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