Riot Games Unveils New Udyr in a Gameplay Video

What does the Spiritual Wanderer looks like after the remake?

New Udyr

Whoever plays League of Legends is well aware of the fact that some characters stand out significantly from others in various respects, particularly gameplay, visual effects or the atmosphere itself.

Udyr is one of these heroes, and so it was some time ago that the developers reported plans for his remake, and today they unveiled some of the information related to him.

As the video shows, Udyr’s main element, i.e. combat in different styles, would still be a part of it, but would undergo major changes. Players will be able to use the bear, ram, wild boar and phoenix styles in the new hero shield. There will be different combat bonuses offered by each of them, similarly to the way it is now.

We want to keep its characteristic variation of styles and gameplay based on basic attack and close combat. This is what we believe makes Udyr unique and sets him apart in the lineup,” the developers stated earlier this year.

The bear, at first glance, is going to be the equivalent of the current tiger, an offensive style. The wild boar is reminiscent of the turtle, whereas the ram follows the pattern of the current bear. A very interesting development is the style of the phoenix, which is entirely different from the one we’ve seen so far.

Plus, according to what we can see in the video, Udyr’s spells are conditionally enhanced, for example, when using the ram style, the champion may become immune to the effects of crowd control.

Moreover, we should mention that the new skills of the hero are related to the Freljord demigods: Volibear, Ornn and Anivia. Furthermore, visually, Udyr is looking really great after the changes.

Is it about to turn out that the rework of the Spiritual Wanderer was a hit? We will have to wait and see.

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