Atomic Heart, the highly-anticipated game developed by Mundfish, has recently released a new trailer showcasing Facility 3826, a vast and interconnected location that serves as the setting for the game’s campaign. This is the first time that players have been given a glimpse of the facility in such detail.
The game is set in an alternate reality, one that is heavily influenced by the Soviet Union. Players will take on the role of an officer who is tasked with investigating the mysterious happenings within Facility 3826.
The world depicted in the game is one with totalitarian tendencies, and players will have to navigate through the complex and challenging environment to uncover the truth.
As the game enters its gold phase, players can expect an immersive and atmospheric experience, as they explore the different parts of the facility and uncover the secrets that lie within.
Atomic Heart promises to be a unique and thrilling game that will transport players to a world unlike any they have seen before. The detailed and interconnected setting of Facility 3826 is sure to be a major draw for players, as they delve deeper into the game’s story and uncover the truth behind the mysterious happenings within the facility.
The video effectively illustrates the various connections and interconnections between the different areas of the game’s structure through a schematic representation.
As players progress through the campaign, they will encounter a variety of different locations that are teeming with dangerous creatures, all of which are the result of sinister experiments gone wrong.
Additionally, players will also have to contend with defense systems that have spiraled out of control, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay.
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