Hogwarts Legacy: New Video Shows Us Accio Magic

With Hogwarts Legacy inching closer, we now get to see Accio magic, in a video which shows us its many uses within the game.

Hogwarts Legacy: New Video Shows Us Accio Magic

Hogwarts Legacy is surely one of the most anticipated games of 2023, and with its release date getting closer and closer, we are seeing more footage from the game.

To accompany us through February, the official account of the game continues – as it did in previous months – to publish small clips dedicated to the magical adventure. Now we can see a video dedicated to Accio, which shows the many uses of the spell.

Accio, which was introduced in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (fourth novel), spell is a spell that is used to physically summon an object to itself.

Usually, In its verbal form, Accio requires you to also name the object you want to move. Of course, for simplicity’s sake, the character in Hogwarts Legacy will only say the name of the spell.

On the video, which you can see shared below via the official Hogwarts Legacy Twitter account, see the protagonist using Accio to lure a flying book (perhaps a collectible or quest-related object).

The magic is also used to move a platform, like a sort of grappling hook. Lastly, we can see that it can be used in battle to drag an opponent.

Clearly Accio was designed as a spell that is useful in many different situations, be they exploratory or action.

This video also allows us to see the Hogwarts Legacy interface, featuring four spells assigned to Triangle, Circle, Cross and Square in the bottom right.

To the left, we see instead the minimap and what appears to be a quick-use item assigned to L1. Previously, one gameplay clip showed the Incendio spell. At any rate, The game is as highly anticipated as it is criticized, e.g., Steam users added a protest tag to try to damage it.

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