You Can’t Transfer a Save From Hogwarts Legacy to Another Platform

The title has no support for cross-save functionality.

You Can’t Transfer a Save From Hogwarts Legacy to Another Platform

One again it is the question of cross-platform save transfer. The wizards at WB Games have cast their spell and, alas, Hogwarts Legacy will not be able to grant such a request. But fear not, dear player, for there is still magic afoot. 

Each character you create in the game will have their very own quartet of slots, one for manual saves and another for those done automatically. So, whether you’re playing on PS5, Steam, or any other platform, your progress will be safe and sound within the walls of Hogwarts.

On a side note, the WB Games support team has shared that while transferring saves may not be possible, there is still a way for players to be rewarded for their wizarding prowess. 

By linking your accounts across platforms, you’ll be able to earn special bonuses and rewards. So, even if your saves can’t make the journey with you, your hard-earned achievements will be acknowledged.

In short, while transferring saves across different platforms may not be possible, the game still offers unique character slots and special rewards for linking accounts. A small trade-off for the true Harry Potter fan.

As the Internet user delved deeper into their curiosity about Hogwarts Legacy, they posed a second question – one that many siblings and shared-gaming households can relate to. 

They wondered if it would be possible to create multiple save files for different characters, allowing for a seamless and enjoyable experience for all players.

The answer, dear reader, is a resounding yes. Hogwarts Legacy offers a generous amount of character slots, each boasting an impressive five separate slots for autosaves and the ability to create a staggering 10 manual saves. 

This means that you and your siblings can embark on separate adventures, each creating your own unique story within the magical world of Hogwarts.

However, it’s worth noting that this feature does come with a small caveat. The lack of cross-progression can cause some issues for players who switch to newer hardware and wish to continue their journey from where they left off. 

For example, the recent next-gen update of The Witcher 3 only allows for the transfer of the last autosave, last manual save, and last checkpoint.

Nevertheless, Hogwarts Legacy promises to be an exciting addition to the wizarding world, with an action-packed storyline set 100 years before the events of the Harry Potter series. 

Players will have the opportunity to delve into the goblin rebellion and unravel the mysteries surrounding a mysterious group of sorcerers. 

The game will be available on February 10, 2023, for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC, allowing you to immerse yourself in the enchanted world of Hogwarts from the comfort of your own home.

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