Hogwarts Legacy PC Problems, There Are Reports of Poor Optimization

Things could have been much better.

The much-anticipated Hogwarts Legacy has received high praise for its console versions, but the PC port has fallen short. Despite being equipped with a powerful RTX 3080 graphics card, the PC version has suffered from optimization issues such as lighting and texture loading. These, however, are not major faults, and with updates, it is expected that these issues can be resolved.

According to a review by PCGamesN, the technical problems in the PC port are noticeable, causing frame rates to drop from an average of 80 FPS on Ultra settings to just 20 FPS in crowded areas. Despite these flaws, the game is still considered playable, but improvements are needed.

The German portal GameStar, however, was less forgiving, downgrading the game’s rating by a full 10 points due to the subpar condition of the PC version.

The reviewer experienced regular and significant performance drops and graphical glitches, making cutscenes difficult to watch and causing some fights to play in slow motion.

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The NME journal echoes our sentiments, labeling PC optimization as the “Achilles’ heel” of the game. The writer of the review was deeply perturbed by the constant hiccups in fluidity and the unreliable display of objects on the screen.

The platform sequences were particularly bothersome, leading the author to hope for a swift resolution to these technical glitches. Despite these issues, the game’s overall worth is undeniable and should not be missed.

In our analysis of the PlayStation 5 release, we too noted some setbacks, particularly in lighting and unnatural “pop-up” particle effects. However, these glitches, while noticeable, did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

We are optimistic that the developers will address these problems in upcoming updates, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in this captivating experience.

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