Sony is betting big on the potential of its latest gaming accessory, the PS VR 2 headset. During the recent Morgan Stanley Technology, Media and Telecom Conference, Sony’s Vice President and CFO, Hiroki Totoki, shared his optimism about the device’s sales potential, stating that he believes it has a “good chance” of surpassing the success of the original PS VR, which sold over five million units.
According to VGC, during a casual conversation after the conference, Totoki was asked about Sony’s financial forecasts for the device.
He expressed excitement about bringing the PS VR 2 to market and noted that the VR-related devices market is one of the fastest growing branches in the media and entertainment industry.
Totoki also pointed out that the expansion of the virtual and augmented reality market presents great potential for the development of technology in general.
The initial reviews of the PS VR 2 and its games for the PS5 console have been positive, with experts from Digital Foundry calling the VR module in Gran Turismo 7 a “must-have” that is “light years away from the VR mode of Gran Turismo Sport.”
The PS VR 2 was launched on February 22, 2023, with a starting price of $550 for the basic set. For $599, gamers can purchase the “bundle,” which includes the device and Horizon: Call of the Mountain, a spin-off of the popular Horizon series that follows the adventures of the hunter Aloy.
Sony’s optimism about the PS VR 2’s sales potential is not unfounded. The original PS VR was well received by gamers and critics alike, with many praising its affordability and accessibility compared to other VR devices on the market.
With the PS VR 2’s improved graphics and advanced features, it seems likely that Sony’s latest offering will surpass the success of its predecessor and help to further propel the virtual and augmented reality market into the mainstream.