Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi and Anakin’s padawan, is making a comeback in a new series produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. The series features the much-loved character as the lead and is set to debut on Disney+ later this year.
The audience at the Star Wars Celebration got a thrilling glimpse of what’s to come as Lucasfilm wrapped up the main panel with the release of the first Ahsoka trailer.
The trailer gave us a glimpse of some fan-favorite heroes returning from the animated series Star Wars: Rebels. Natasha Liu Bordizzo will play the role of Sabine and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Hera Syndulla. The footage also showcased a single shot of the villainous Grand Admiral Thrawn.
The series is set to continue the story of Ahsoka Tano, as we witness her further adventures after The Mandalorian’s events. The lead character will be portrayed by Rosario Dawson, who has been widely praised for her performance in the Mandalorian.
The trailer revealed some fascinating visuals, featuring Ahsoka Tano in action, showcasing her lightsaber skills and a few mysterious locations.
Along with the trailer, a poster for the series was also released. The poster features Ahsoka Tano standing tall and strong with her signature lightsabers in hand, giving fans a hint of what’s to come in the series.
The trailer for Ahsoka has fans buzzing with excitement, eagerly waiting for the series’ release in August. As we await the series, fans can relish the trailer and poster, offering a glimpse of the thrilling adventures of their beloved character.
Ahsoka Series: Loyalty Test for Star Wars Fans? Can Ahsoka hold her own in a live-action setting, or does the series fail to capture the essence of the beloved character? Our review delves into the intricacies of Ahsoka’s live-action debut, scrutinizing everything from the story arcs to the emotional underpinnings. Is Ahsoka worth the watch? Find out in our comprehensive review.