Actress Who Played Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake Forced to Delete Instagram Account Due to Harassment

Toxic Fandom Tarnishes the Success of Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Resident Evil 4 Remake has recently hit the gaming scene and has been an undeniable success, surpassing the initial sales of its franchise’s most popular titles and selling over three million copies worldwide within a few days.

It is expected to become the best-selling game in the franchise over time. However, this success has not come without its drawbacks, as a certain section of the fan base has been proven to be toxic.

Lily Gao, the talented actress who portrayed Ada Wong in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, has been subjected to bullying and harassment from some of the game’s fans.

This undeserved harassment has caused her to delete her Instagram account and all its content. Unfortunately, Lily Gao’s voice acting in the game has been met with criticism from some fans, who have resorted to insulting her and making derogatory comments.

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It is worth mentioning that the reasons behind the harassment are unjustifiable, as the actress has done an incredible job in the role. Gao’s portrayal of Ada Wong is more realistic and professional, in contrast to the exaggerated seductive persona that the character has been depicted with in the past.

Despite the unfair criticism, it has been confirmed that Gao will be starring in the Resident Evil 4 Remake DLC as Ada Wong, which is sure to excite fans.

However, this toxic behavior from some fans should not be ignored. The success of Resident Evil 4 Remake does not justify or excuse the harassment that Gao has had to endure.

It is important to remember that video games are just that – games, and no one deserves to be bullied or harassed for their work, no matter how successful or unsuccessful it may be.

In conclusion, while the Resident Evil 4 Remake continues to dominate the gaming industry, it is essential to address the toxic fandom and ensure that such behavior is not tolerated.

The game is available on various platforms such as PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S, with the possibility of an Xbox One release in the future.

Let us enjoy these games and celebrate the hard work of the talented individuals who create them, without resorting to unnecessary negativity and hate.

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