Discovering the Unmatched Features of Final Fantasy XVI Enhanced by the PS5 DualSense

Feeling the Game through Your Fingertips and Even the Air.

Final Fantasy XVI’s main director, Hiroshi Takai, recently discussed the remarkable integration of the PlayStation 5 DualSense features into the game, creating a truly immersive experience for players.

In his interview on the official PlayStation blog, Takai explained how the adaptive triggers and haptic vibrations of the DualSense contribute to a whole new level of gaming experience. In Final Fantasy XVI, players will even sense the movement of air, creating an incredibly realistic environment.

According to Takai, the adaptive triggers play a crucial role in conveying the feeling of effort and resistance in certain sections of the game where players have to open heavy doors or lift portcullis.

These triggers also come into play when riding the chocobos, allowing players to feel as if they are actually riding the legendary bird-like creatures.

Final Fantasy XVI

The haptic feedback of the DualSense produces subtle vibrations, which heighten the sense of presence in cutscenes, giving players the feeling of being in the game’s world.

Takai also praised the PS5’s SSD speed and memory size, stating that they have significantly helped in developing the game. The PS5’s memory size enables developers to take full advantage of the hardware’s capacity, while the fast SSD has allowed for smoother gameplay and reduced load times.

Final Fantasy XVI is set to be released on June 22, 2023, and has already entered the Gold phase, meaning that its release is imminent.

The unmatched features of the DualSense controller enhance the already stunning game, taking players on an unforgettable journey through the world of Final Fantasy XVI.

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