GTA 5 Online: The Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Millionaire in 2023

Profitable Heists, Solo Missions, and Business Ventures for Ultimate Success

Welcome to the ultimate GTA Online money-making guide for 2023! As a seasoned player or a newcomer to the streets of Los Santos, you know that cash is the lifeblood of your criminal empire. Whether you’re purchasing the latest vehicles, customizing your character, or buying properties to expand your empire, having a steady income is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 13 proven methods to make money fast in the ever-evolving world of GTA Online, covering everything from heists to CEO ventures, motorcycle clubs to time trials.

Dive into the thrilling, profitable world of heists, where teamwork and strategy pay off big time. Discover the lucrative art of vehicle theft and delivery, and learn how to maximize your earnings in the process. Unearth the potential of spontaneous events, daily goals, and solo missions for quick cash, and master the art of time trials to rake in the dough. And finally, uncover the secrets of running a successful business as a CEO or motorcycle club president, capitalizing on bunkers, hangars, and warehouses to make your fortune.

13. The Fleeca Heist: A Profitable Venture and a Valuable Vehicle

grand theft auto online

Heists in GTA 5 Online, which can be initiated from the planning room in your house, yield the most significant GTA$ rewards. However, it’s important to have reliable teammates for successful heists. Inviting random players from an online session might result in them leaving the game during the job or hindering your money-making efforts in other ways.

If you have friends who also play GTA 5 Online, becoming a millionaire is much more feasible. The Cayo Perico Heist is an exception, as it is the first heist in GTA Online that can be played solo. If you only have one other player, the Fleeca Heist is an excellent option, as it also unlocks the Kuruma – a useful vehicle for later missions and heists. You can repeatedly play this heist if you don’t have enough teammates for other raids.

Starting heists requires an initial fee, which varies based on the heist. We recommend the Fleeca job for beginners, as it only costs GTA$15,000 and rewards around 143,000 GTA dollars upon completion.

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12. Deliver Vehicles to Simeon and Sell Cars

If you need quick cash and don’t have time for missions, selling stolen cars at “Los Santos Customs” is a viable option. You can sometimes earn over 10,000 GTA$ depending on the car. You might remember Simeon, the car dealership owner from GTA 5’s offline mode. In online mode, he regularly sends text messages listing the cars he wants.

After finding a car from Simeon’s list, drive to a “Los Santos Customs” shop and repaint it. The paint job doesn’t have to be fancy; just avoid overspending on the color. The objective is to maximize profit. Once done, an “S” symbol will appear on your map, indicating Simeon’s location, where he awaits the painted car. Deliver the car without scratches or dents to maximize your earnings.

Simeon now offers new missions, which involve stealing luxury cars or destroying them. He provides detailed instructions for these tasks.

11. Quick Cash on the Go: Rob Shops and Participate in Spontaneous Events

If you’re traveling between points A and B and need some extra cash, look for a shop on the minimap. Park your getaway vehicle outside the shop, enter, and aim your gun at the vendor. With patience, you can quickly earn a few thousand GTA$, which can be used for equipment in your next mission.

Additionally, spontaneous events regularly occur in various online sessions. These events might challenge you to travel the longest distance without damaging your vehicle or eliminate the most players within a limited time. Ranking high in these events can earn you GTA$ and RP as rewards.

10. Daily Goals in GTA 5 Online: A Rewarding Routine

Each day, between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. based on your local time, your character in GTA 5 Online will be given three new daily objectives to complete. Successfully completing these objectives will reward you with GTA$30,000 and 3,000 RP. Should you accomplish these daily goals for an entire week, you’ll receive a substantial GTA$150,000 bonus. Moreover, if you manage to complete them for 30 consecutive days, a whopping $750,000 bonus will be yours at the end of the month!

Don’t fret if you can’t play every day; only the days you actively log in to GTA 5 Online count. Skipping a day without logging in won’t disrupt your 28-day streak. You can track your progress under the pause menu by navigating to Statistics – Awards – General. Additionally, keep an eye out for event weeks to earn double cash and RP rewards.

9. Embark on Profitable Heists: Cayo Perico and Casino

Heists are a favorite among GTA Online players. With one or more specific objectives in mind, you work through preparatory missions before playing the grand finale and pocketing millions of dollars. It’s essential to note that some heists pay more than others. We have compiled an overview of all the heists available in GTA Online for you. In this overview, you’ll learn about the details of each heist, the costs to initiate them, and the potential payouts, which vary based on the raid and difficulty level.

Focus on these heists: The Cayo Perico and Casino heists are highly recommended, as they offer the highest payouts in the game and can quickly make you wealthy. However, they are designed for advanced players who are familiar with weapons and armor in GTA Online.

8. CEO Car Sales: Import/Export Vehicle Trade

If purchasing crates doesn’t appeal to you, consider delving into the vehicle trade. To do this, you’ll need a vehicle warehouse or garage. On the computer in your office or the Terrorbyte, select the vehicle trade option instead of material procurement, and then choose “Obtain a vehicle.”

You will be assigned a vehicle with a low, medium, or high retail value. Drive to the vehicle’s location and transport it to your warehouse, making sure not to cause significant damage, as you’ll be responsible for repair costs. Next, access the computer in your vehicle warehouse to modify and sell the stolen car. However, there’s a trick to maximize profits:

Collect and store standard and mid-range cars without selling them. Once your warehouse contains all standard and mid-range cars, you’ll only be assigned high-value vehicles. The game avoids assigning duplicate cars, ensuring that you’ll only be trading luxury cars, thus increasing your profits.

Be cautious when selling vehicles. You’ll need to drive the modified car to the buyer, and there may be attacks from opponents en route. Quickly defeat or evade them, as any damage to the car can result in a significant loss of profits.

7. Efficient Solo Missions: Earning Money Quickly in GTA 5 Online

Missions provide an excellent way to rapidly accumulate GTA$ without the need for other players. Possessing the Armored Kuruma is a significant advantage, as this bulletproof vehicle allows you to effortlessly eliminate opponents without exposing yourself to danger. One highly recommended solo mission is “A Job for a Titan,” where your main objective is to clear out a hangar by taking out all enemies.

The Armored Kuruma is particularly useful for this mission, as you can simply drive in circles, picking off each opponent with ease. Once the area is cleared, park a truck and fly the Titan to Trevor’s landing strip (be sure to practice landing beforehand). During event weeks that offer double GTA$ or RP for missions, this method becomes even more lucrative.

Another rewarding mission is “Stress on the Roof,” an alternative to “A Job for a Titan.” In this mission, you’ll need to eliminate some NPCs in a parking garage and in cars, then chase down opponents, steal documents from them, and deliver them to Madrazo’s house. This mission can be completed solo or with other players. For both missions, aim to extend the playtime to 15 minutes to maximize your payout.

6. RC Bandito Time Trials: Miniature Racing for Big Rewards

What are these races all about? In these checkpoint races, you drive small, remote-controlled RC Bandito cars. To acquire an RC Bandito, you must first purchase an arena property. Only after investing in this property can you buy and upgrade a remote-controlled car.

How do these races work? Similar to the time trials for regular-sized vehicles, RC Bandito races reward you with a cash sum of over GTA$100,000 for each race completed once a week. So, it’s worthwhile to participate in both the normal Time Trial and the RC Bandito Time Trial every week. By doing this, you can earn 200,000 GTA dollars per week in approximately 10 minutes.

5. Taking Charge of Bunker Missions as CEO

Owning a bunker in GTA 5 Online allows you to delve into researching weapon upgrades and selling products created by your staff. To begin, you must purchase a bunker, with prices ranging from 1,165,000 to 2,375,000 GTA dollars. The process is similar to managing a motorcycle club—acquiring products is the first step. Access the laptop within your bunker to get started.

At this point, you can choose to either buy or steal products. For optimal profits, it’s recommended to always opt for stealing the goods. Selecting “Buy supplies” requires payment and you’ll receive your delivery within the next 10 to 15 minutes. Choosing to steal, however, initiates a mission that sends you across the GTA 5 Online map.

After acquiring the stolen goods, deliver them to your bunker to supply your hired staff. Their work will proceed passively as long as you are in an open session as a CEO and there are supplies available. If supplies run out, work will pause until you secure new materials.

To check the current selling price of your products, refer to the laptop in your bunker. When you believe your workers have produced enough and a sale is worthwhile, click “Sell goods” to initiate the selling mission. Be cautious during sales—other players in a session can attack and destroy your products. It’s best to use an empty session for selling or recruit other players as bodyguards for protection.

4. Motorcycle Club – Profiting from Illicit Activities

To become the leader of a motorcycle club, you must first purchase a clubhouse. Prices vary depending on the location, ranging from 200,000 to 495,000 GTA dollars.

From your clubhouse, you can expand your empire by acquiring buildings such as cocaine labs or cannabis farms. The cost of these buildings also depends on their location and can range from 650,000 to 1,852,500 GTA dollars.

Similar to managing a bunker, you obtain supplies, your employees process the products, and you sell them for profit. The more products you create, the higher the selling price. Selling products on the opposite side of the map offers a risk premium, increasing the chance of being attacked by other players who might destroy your cargo.

For solo players, we recommend selling products when two product bars are filled. As more bars fill up, more products must be delivered within the given time limit. When the warehouse is full, three slow trucks must be driven from one end of the map to the other, which can be challenging or even impossible to accomplish alone.

A profitable venture is a cocaine lab. NPC employees take around six hours to fill it up, and you can then sell the goods for over 300,000 GTA dollars.

3. Hangar Missions as a CEO

As a CEO, you can also purchase a hangar, with prices ranging from 1,200,000 to 3,200,000 GTA dollars. This purchase grants access to locations such as Fort Zancudo Airport.

To generate income with your hangar, follow a similar approach to the CEO job in which you obtain crates. This time, you’ll use planes and helicopters to do so.

You have the freedom to choose which products to acquire, from narcotics to counterfeit items. Depending on the mission, you will have specific objectives:

After securing the goods, deliver them to your hangar, which doubles as a warehouse. Similar to previous strategies, collect enough goods to initiate a sales mission and transport the products to buyers. Bonus payments are awarded for collecting and selling large quantities of the same type of cargo, such as narcotics (for example). Selling 50 crates of narcotics can yield nearly 1.4 million GTA dollars.

2. Time Trials in GTA Online: Earn $100,000 in Mere Minutes

Time trials in GTA Online rotate on a weekly basis and can be found on the world map, accessible to any player. You don’t need to initiate a separate game mode for these trials; simply race in your online session. Time trial locations and routes change with each rotation, identifiable by the purple stopwatch icon on the map.

The time trials are challenging due to their strict time limits, so if you crash during a race, you’ll have to start over. Successfully completing a time trial within the allotted time rewards you with 100,000 GTA dollars, or potentially double the rewards if bonuses are active. This lucrative sum can be earned once a week, allowing you to easily pocket at least $100,000 within a minute or two.

1. Become a CEO and Profit from Selling Crates

If you aspire to begin your journey as a CEO in GTA 5 Online, the first step is to invest in an office. Offices are available at various price points, with the main differences being the amenities and location. Rest assured, opting for a more affordable office will not impact your business operations. The most cost-effective offices start at around GTA$1 million.

The primary strategy for this method involves ordering crates from your office, collecting them, and storing them for later sale at a profit. To facilitate this, you’ll need to purchase a warehouse. Warehouses come in various sizes, ranging from “small” to “large.”

Investing in a large warehouse is more lucrative because the value increases with an additional bonus based on the number of crates present.

Once you have both an office and a warehouse, you can kick off your CEO ventures. Request crates from your office or via the new Terrorbyte vehicle, collect them, and transport them to the warehouse. Ideally, you should do this until your storage is at full capacity. Then, using the warehouse PC, choose the option to sell the goods.

The size of the goods to be sold will determine whether cars or boats appear for you to transport to a specified destination. Having multiple teammates can be advantageous, as they can protect you during the mission. A lobby devoid of other opponents is ideal to minimize the risk of losing your money, as other players in a lobby can destroy your cargo.

Selling goods from a fully stocked large warehouse can yield around GTA$2.3 million (with 111 crates). However, filling the warehouse will require several hours of gameplay.

Congratulations! You’ve now gained invaluable knowledge to transform your GTA Online experience, turning your criminal pursuits into a thriving, profitable enterprise. With these 13 foolproof methods under your belt, you’re well on your way to amassing a fortune and becoming a force to be reckoned with in Los Santos. Remember, consistency, strategy, and adaptability are key to maximizing your earnings and achieving your goals.

As you venture forth into the chaotic world of GTA Online, don’t forget to stay up-to-date with the latest tips, tricks, and updates. Rockstar Games frequently introduces new events, bonuses, and features that can further boost your income and enhance your gameplay experience. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and seize them as they arise. After all, in the high-stakes world of Los Santos, only the cunning and ambitious rise to the top. What do you think about these 13 ways to become a millionaire in GTA Online? Let us know in the comments section below.

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