Step into the Borderlands Universe with the Massively Multiplayer EchoVision Live Series

Gearbox's Interactive Streaming Series Takes Viewers on an Adventurous Journey in the Borderlands Universe.

Get ready for an immersive journey into the Borderlands universe with an exciting new expansion—Borderlands EchoVision Live. In this innovative interactive streaming series, viewers will take on the role of decision-makers, determining the fate of eight adventurous tourists on the treacherous Eden-6 planet.

Created by Gearbox, this MILE (Massively Interactive Live Event) promises an engaging and collective storytelling experience where the audience’s choices shape the outcome.

An Adventure Gone Wrong

Borderlands EchoVision Live follows the story of eight tourists who embark on what seems to be an exhilarating and safe “adventure safari” on Eden-6, the homeland of the renowned weapons manufacturer, Jakobs Corporation, as featured in Borderlands 3.

As fate would have it, their dream expedition turns into a nightmare, leaving them stranded in the ominous town of Greywater Junction, surrounded by imminent threats. The destiny of these intrepid explorers and their potential as future Vault Hunters lie in the hands of the viewers—their decisions will shape the course of events and define their ultimate destinies.

Massively Interactive Live Events by Genvid

The upcoming interactive streaming series, Borderlands EchoVision Live, utilizes a platform developed by Genvid Entertainment, pioneers of massively interactive live events (MILEs).

In this innovative format, the audience collaboratively determines the unfolding narrative, effectively influencing the shared outcome of the story. Genvid’s expertise in creating engaging and immersive experiences sets the stage for a thrilling Borderlands adventure like never before.

Borderlands EchoVision Live

Silent Hill: Ascension Parallels

If this concept of audience-driven storytelling sounds familiar, it’s because Genvid is also working on a similar project, Silent Hill: Ascension, as part of Konami’s efforts to revive its iconic horror franchise. Genvid’s unique approach to storytelling creates a sense of co-authorship for viewers, making them an integral part of the story’s development and ultimate conclusion.

Although the release date for Borderlands EchoVision Live remains under wraps, excitement is already building among fans. While details about how to access the interactive series beyond its website are yet to be disclosed, enthusiasts can stay informed by signing up for updates on the official website.

Gearbox’s latest venture, Borderlands EchoVision Live, promises an enthralling and interactive streaming series that lets viewers become part of the Borderlands universe like never before.

With Genvid’s MILE platform at the helm, fans can look forward to an unforgettable experience where their collective decisions shape the destinies of the characters and the course of events in the captivating world of Borderlands.

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