Efficiency Boost in Diablo 4’s Latest Patch: Faster Malignant Farming and Pesky Bug Fixes

Discover the upcoming changes in Diablo 4's patch 1.1.2, designed to streamline your gaming experience.

As the curtain rises on the post-patch 1.1.0 era of Diablo 4, Blizzard stands by its commitment to transparency by sharing the patch notes ahead of each update. This time, it’s the eagerly awaited patch 1.1.2, set to arrive on Tuesday, August 15, across all platforms.

While the latest update, 1.1.2, might not rival the scale of recent patches, it carries its weight in improvements. Rather than a major overhaul, the emphasis is on resolving issues and enhancing the overall experience. However, it does come bearing a valuable enhancement for Malignant Heart farming.

Swifter Farming, Swift Progress

For players familiar with Malignant Monsters and their coveted hearts, the process just got a little more efficient. Previously, activating a Malignant Heart to summon a tougher version of the same monster took five seconds. With this patch, that delay has been cut in half, now taking a mere two seconds. This small yet impactful change promises to expedite the grinding process, much to the delight of dedicated adventurers.

Amidst the changes, there’s something to warm the hearts of those reminiscing about the trade chat of old. Starting with this update, all players will find themselves in the Trade channel by default. This adjustment is poised to infuse Diablo 4 with a livelier atmosphere. However, if the constant trade requests aren’t your cup of tea, a simple trip to the in-game settings allows you to opt-out of this bustling hub.

Banishing Stubborn Bugs

In the realm of bug fixes, patch 1.1.2 doesn’t disappoint. One notable issue that has tested the patience of many adventurers is the A Boon in the Tide quest from the Seasonal Journey. Players rejoice as this pesky bug, which prevented the proper tracking of this quest objective, has been laid to rest. This quest task, residing in Chapter 5, entails opening a Tortured Gift chest at any Helltide event, an action that was frustratingly unrecorded until now.

Among the bugs quashed, one that notably disrupted gameplay was the inability to use mount skills after leaving a city. Players have often found themselves puzzled by the sudden unavailability of these skills as they ventured into the wild. With the patch in place, this inconvenience will no longer rear its head, ensuring a smoother transition between city and wilderness.

Navigating the Updates

diablo iv

Below are some of the key changes and fixes you can expect in Diablo 4’s patch 1.1.2:

Gameplay Updates

Bug Fixes

A Polished Diablo 4 Experience

Patch 1.1.2 is poised to refine the Diablo 4 experience, speeding up Malignant farming, addressing persistent bugs, and ushering in the option for lively trade chat. As the gaming community eagerly awaits its arrival, the future of Diablo 4 grows brighter with each well-crafted patch.

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