The Last Case of Benedict Fox Review: A Captivating Lovecraftian Journey

A Dark and Atmospheric Adventure

In the realm of gaming, where darkness, mystery, and supernatural tales collide, The Last Case of Benedict Fox emerges as a captivating Lovecraftian Metroidvania experience. Developed by Plot Twist and published by Rogue Games, this unique title offers a thrilling blend of detective storytelling and otherworldly exploration. Prepare to embark on a journey that delves into the depths of horror and intrigue.

Right from the start, The Last Case of Benedict Fox captivates with its alluringly dark allure. It immerses you in a realm shrouded in shadows, where enigmas lie in wait at every turn, enticing you to uncover their secrets. While traversing its hauntingly atmospheric landscapes, you’ll be drawn into a compelling blend of investigative pursuits and the unsettling realms influenced by H.P. Lovecraft’s legendary Cthulhu mythos.

Plot Twist, a Polish development team, makes an impressive debut with this console game. They’ve crafted a narrative that immerses players in the role of Benedict Fox, a detective with a most peculiar companion. Within Benedict resides a demonic entity, a malevolent yet faithful partner who accompanies him throughout his investigations. The year is 1925, and upon returning to his father’s manor, Benedict finds himself embroiled in a web of suspicious deaths and supernatural occurrences. Guided by the enigmatic whispers of his demon companion, he must unravel the truth behind the crimes and confront the horrors that await.

What distinguishes The Last Case of Benedict Fox is its seamless integration of various genres. By combining the exploration and platforming aspects of a Metroidvania with the chilling ambiance of Lovecraftian horror, the game forges a truly unique experience. Prepare yourself for traversing expansive maps, uncovering concealed paths, and solving intricate puzzles that demand both your intellect and dexterity. This amalgamation of detective work, supernatural encounters, and eldritch horrors showcases a game that boldly pushes the boundaries of its genres.

As we venture into the dark depths of The Last Case of Benedict Fox, we will delve into its visual and auditory presentation, examine its gameplay mechanics, dissect its story and atmosphere, explore its accessibility features, and evaluate its technical performance. So grab your detective hat and brace yourself for an expedition into the unknown, where terror and mystery intertwine to create an indelible journey.

The Last Case of Benedict Fox Review

Visuals and Audio

The Last Case of Benedict Fox presents a visually captivating experience that immerses players in its dark and foreboding world. While it may not boast cutting-edge graphics, the game’s visual presentation is more than capable of setting the mood and delivering a chilling atmosphere. The clever use of dark colors and atmospheric lighting creates an aura of mystery and suspense, effectively complementing the Lovecraftian theme.

The environments in The Last Case of Benedict Fox are meticulously designed, offering a blend of beauty and macabre aesthetics. As you explore the manor house and delve into the realms of Limbo, you’ll encounter hauntingly beautiful scenery that seamlessly blends mundane objects with otherworldly elements. The attention to detail is commendable, with each area feeling distinct and adding to the overall sense of immersion. From decaying halls adorned with grotesque artwork to ethereal landscapes shrouded in darkness, the visual design succeeds in capturing the essence of Lovecraft’s chilling tales.

In terms of audio, The Last Case of Benedict Fox delivers a compelling experience. The English voice acting brings the characters to life, adding depth and personality to each encounter. The performances are top-notch, effectively conveying the emotional nuances of the narrative. Whether it’s Benedict’s internal conversations with his demonic companion or the interactions with other characters, the voice acting elevates the storytelling to new heights.

The game’s era-specific music is another highlight of the audio design. The haunting melodies and atmospheric tunes transport you back to the 1920s, perfectly complementing the dark and mysterious atmosphere. From subtle ambient tracks that enhance the exploration to intense and unsettling compositions during moments of tension, the soundtrack adds an extra layer of immersion to the overall experience.

Overall, The Last Case of Benedict Fox excels in its visual presentation and audio design. The combination of dark colors, atmospheric lighting, and meticulous environment design creates a visually stunning and immersive world. The English voice acting and era-specific music further enhance the game’s atmosphere, immersing players in the haunting Lovecraftian narrative.

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Gameplay Mechanics

The Last Case of Benedict Fox embraces the core mechanics of a Metroidvania game, offering players a rich and expansive world to explore. As Benedict Fox, players navigate sprawling maps filled with hidden pathways, secret areas, and interconnected routes. The game encourages thorough exploration, rewarding players with new abilities, upgrades, and vital clues to unravel the mysteries that lie within the manor house and Limbo.

Advancing through the game hinges on acquiring powers and upgrades, achieved by triumphing over adversaries and gathering ink, a prized resource. Ink serves as the currency for fortifying Benedict’s demonic companion and unlocking fresh offensive and defensive maneuvers. These abilities not only amplify combat prowess but also prove vital for exploration, granting entry to previously unreachable regions and surmounting obstacles. The game strikes a harmonious equilibrium between tethering progression to the acquisition of new powers and granting players the freedom to explore at their own leisurely rhythm.

Combat and Boss Battles

Combat in The Last Case of Benedict Fox revolves around a combination of melee attacks, ranged combat with the flare gun, and defensive maneuvers. Benedict wields a knife as his primary weapon, delivering satisfying and responsive melee strikes. Successful melee attacks charge the flare gun, which temporarily slows down time, granting an opportunity for precision shots.

Enemies encountered throughout the game exhibit unique attack patterns and require a strategic approach. Dodging and parrying play a crucial role in evading enemy attacks and creating openings for counterattacks. The combat system is simple yet effective, providing a satisfying sense of impact as you dispatch foes and navigate through intense encounters.

Boss battles in The Last Case of Benedict Fox are a standout aspect of the gameplay. These battles are challenging, requiring players to carefully observe attack patterns and exploit weaknesses. The bosses often possess multiple layers of complexity, surprising players with unexpected twists and forcing them to adapt their strategies on the fly. Successfully overcoming these formidable adversaries is a rewarding and exhilarating experience.

Puzzles and Challenges

The Last Case of Benedict Fox incorporates a wide range of puzzles and challenges that engage the player’s problem-solving skills. The game introduces a unique symbol language and mathematical quandaries that must be deciphered to progress. Players must carefully examine clues, consult their in-game diary, and use the Conundrum device to unlock the secrets hidden within the enigmatic symbols.

The puzzles in the game strike a balance between offering genuine brain teasers and providing accessibility options. Players who enjoy the challenge can tackle the puzzles themselves, investing time and effort into deciphering the mysteries. However, for those who prefer a more streamlined experience or may find the puzzles too challenging, the game offers an auto-solve option. This ensures that players can still enjoy the rich lore and narrative of The Last Case of Benedict Fox without getting stuck for extended periods.

The variety and complexity of the puzzles and challenges keep the gameplay experience fresh and engaging. Solving each puzzle brings a sense of accomplishment and progression, driving players forward in their investigation and exploration of the haunting world of Benedict Fox.

Overall, The Last Case of Benedict Fox offers a compelling gameplay experience, combining Metroidvania exploration and platforming, satisfying combat and boss battles, and intricate puzzles and challenges. The interplay between these mechanics keeps the game engaging and ensures that players are constantly rewarded for their efforts as they uncover the secrets of the dark and mysterious world within.

Story and Atmosphere

The Last Case of Benedict Fox weaves a captivating and enigmatic narrative that draws players into a world of intrigue and mystery. As Benedict Fox, a detective haunted by a malevolent yet loyal demon, players embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the suspicious death of Benedict’s father. The game’s plot unfolds in the year 1925, immersing players in a Lovecraftian-inspired world filled with dark secrets, supernatural elements, and the blurred boundaries between heaven and hell.

The game distinctly exhibits the influence of Lovecraft, which seeps into its narrative and atmosphere. The incorporation of memory exploration within the Limbo realm adds a captivating dimension to the storytelling. As Benedict delves into the memories of the departed, he gains profound insights into their lives, unearths concealed clues, and gradually unveils the complexities of the case. This distinct narrative technique cultivates an ambiance that is simultaneously unsettling and captivating, enveloping players in a realm teeming with darkness and enigma.

The game’s visuals and sound design contribute significantly to its atmospheric quality. The dark colors, contrasting with atmospheric lighting effects, set the stage for a haunting experience. The environments are beautifully designed, featuring intricate details and macabre elements that enhance the overall aesthetic. From decaying manor houses to creepy twilight zones, each location exudes a sense of foreboding and mystery.

Furthermore, the English voice acting and era-specific music contribute to the immersive atmosphere of The Last Case of Benedict Fox. The voice actors bring the characters to life, each with a unique personality, including Benedict’s demonic companion. The music, reminiscent of the 20th century, complements the gameplay and narrative, effectively enhancing the overall mood and tone of the game.

Beyond its atmospheric qualities, The Last Case of Benedict Fox strives to deliver a deeper narrative experience. While not all story beats may land as effectively as intended, the game’s ambition to explore themes of faith, secret organizations, and the human psyche is commendable. It goes beyond the typical video game storyline, offering players a chance to contemplate the nature of good and evil, the blurred lines between realities, and the consequences of one’s actions.

The combination of a compelling plot, Lovecraftian elements, and a dark and mysterious atmosphere creates an immersive experience in The Last Case of Benedict Fox. As players delve deeper into the narrative, they are compelled to uncover the truth behind the cryptic deaths and explore the intricate web of secrets that shroud the manor house and Limbo. The game’s atmospheric storytelling elevates it beyond a simple detective tale, immersing players in a haunting world of cosmic horror and macabre beauty.

Accessibility and Features

The Last Case of Benedict Fox presents an impressive array of accessibility choices, granting players the ability to customize their gameplay experience according to their personal preferences and capabilities. A noteworthy inclusion is the availability of adjustable difficulty settings, ensuring that individuals of all skill levels can delight in the game. Whether you lean towards a leisurely exploration-centric journey or crave a formidable combat challenge, the game caters to your playstyle with a range of options.

A particularly thoughtful accessibility option is the “I hate feeling lost” feature. This option assists players by displaying iconography that reveals the types of doors and paths ahead, eliminating the frustration of aimless wandering. This is a great addition for players who prioritize exploration or those who may struggle with navigation in complex environments.

The game’s commitment to accessibility extends beyond gameplay mechanics. The Last Case of Benedict Fox is available in seven different languages, allowing players from various regions to fully immerse themselves in the game’s narrative. While there are no customization options for subtitles, the inclusion of multiple language options broadens the game’s accessibility and inclusivity.

By providing these accessibility features, The Last Case of Benedict Fox ensures that a wider audience can engage with its captivating world and story. Players can adjust the game’s challenge to their liking, and the “I hate feeling lost” feature helps guide them through the game’s sprawling maps. This commitment to accessibility demonstrates the developer’s dedication to ensuring that everyone can enjoy the rich and atmospheric experience offered by the game.

Technical Issues and Performance

While The Last Case of Benedict Fox delivers an immersive and engaging experience, it is not without its share of technical issues. During gameplay, players may encounter occasional bugs and glitches, ranging from minor visual hiccups to more significant issues that can impact progress. Some players have reported instances of freezing or characters becoming unresponsive, requiring a game restart to resolve.

Performance drops can also be experienced in certain areas, particularly noticeable during snowy sections, where frame rates may dip and affect the overall smoothness of gameplay. These instances can be jarring, momentarily disrupting the immersive experience.

That being said, it’s worth noting that the folks over at Plot Twist haven’t just been sitting idle in response to these glitches. In fact, they’ve rolled up their sleeves and jumped right into action, aiming to squash the pesky bugs and smoothen performance issues. They’re tirelessly working on a software update to amp up the game’s stability and give it a more polished feel. This level of commitment from the team only goes to show how much they’re invested in ensuring that players get the best experience they can offer.

Now, while we’re on the topic of these technical slip-ups, it’s crucial to mention that they might not be a universal experience. Some players might enjoy the game without facing a single hiccup. Moreover, these issues don’t exactly steal the joy from the game – there’s still plenty of fun to be had. The quick reaction and continuous efforts from the Plot Twist team in addressing these issues deserve a nod of appreciation. It reassures us gamers that they’re focused on refining “The Last Case of Benedict Fox” in forthcoming updates, constantly striving for that elusive perfection.

As the developer continues to refine and optimize The Last Case of Benedict Fox, players can look forward to a smoother and more polished experience, ensuring that the atmospheric Lovecraftian world can be fully appreciated without technical distractions.

Duration and Replayability

The Last Case of Benedict Fox offers players a satisfying and substantial gameplay experience. The main story can be completed in approximately five hours, providing a concise narrative that keeps players engaged from start to finish. However, the game’s true depth lies in its exploration and uncovering of secrets.

The sprawling maps, hidden pathways, and intricate puzzles present ample opportunities for extended playtime. Players who enjoy thorough exploration will find themselves rewarded with additional lore, collectibles, and hidden areas that expand upon the game’s rich Lovecraftian world. This encourages players to revisit previously explored locations, adding to the overall duration of the game.

Moreover, The Last Case of Benedict Fox boasts a level of replayability. The choices made throughout the game and the order in which certain areas are explored can lead to different outcomes and narrative branches. This provides an incentive for players to replay the game, experiencing alternative paths and discovering new secrets that may have been missed in previous playthroughs.

Additionally, the accessibility options and adjustable difficulty settings allow players to tailor their experience to their preferred playstyle. Whether players are seeking a more relaxed exploration-focused experience or a challenging combat-oriented playthrough, the game accommodates different preferences, further enhancing its replayability factor.

With its intriguing storyline, intricate world design, and the potential for multiple playthroughs, The Last Case of Benedict Fox offers a compelling duration and replayability that will keep players captivated long after the initial completion of the main story.


The Last Case of Benedict Fox delivers a captivating blend of Metroidvania exploration, Lovecraftian themes, and detective storytelling. With its visually striking presentation, engaging gameplay mechanics, and atmospheric audio design, the game immerses players in a dark and mysterious world. While it may have some technical issues and occasional performance drops, the developer’s commitment to addressing these concerns through patches is commendable.

The gameplay mechanics offer a satisfying mix of platforming, combat, and puzzle-solving, with the unique addition of exploring memories in Limbo. The challenging boss battles and the use of ink for upgrades and companion abilities provide a sense of progression and reward. The accessibility options and customizable features allow players to tailor the experience to their liking, further enhancing the game’s appeal.

The story, while occasionally convoluted, attempts to go beyond the typical video game narrative and adds depth to the overall experience. The game’s duration is enriched by the extensive exploration and hidden secrets, offering extended playtime and replayability.

In conclusion, The Last Case of Benedict Fox is a noteworthy addition to the Metroidvania genre, particularly for fans of Lovecraftian themes and atmospheric storytelling. Despite its technical issues, the game excels in its visual and audio presentation, gameplay mechanics, and overall atmosphere. With its intriguing plot, challenging gameplay, and the allure of uncovering hidden secrets, this game is a worthwhile journey for those seeking an immersive and atmospheric adventure.

The Review

The Last Case of Benedict Fox

8 Score

The Last Case of Benedict Fox is a captivating Lovecraftian Metroidvania experience that successfully combines detective storytelling, exploration, and otherworldly elements. While it may have some technical issues, the game's visually striking presentation, engaging gameplay mechanics, and atmospheric audio design create an immersive and rewarding experience. The addition of accessibility options and adjustable difficulty settings further enhance its appeal. Despite occasional convoluted storytelling, the game offers a satisfying duration and replayability, making it a noteworthy choice for fans of atmospheric adventures and Lovecraftian themes.


  • Captivating blend of Lovecraftian themes, detective storytelling, and Metroidvania exploration
  • Visually striking presentation with dark colors, atmospheric lighting, and meticulous environment design
  • Engaging gameplay mechanics, including platforming, satisfying combat, challenging boss battles, and intricate puzzles
  • Atmospheric audio design with top-notch English voice acting and era-specific music
  • Impressive array of accessibility options, including adjustable difficulty settings and a helpful "I hate feeling lost" feature
  • Intriguing storyline that delves into the blurred boundaries between realities and explores themes of faith and the human psyche
  • Ample replayability with different narrative branches and the potential for discovering hidden secrets


  • Occasional technical issues, including bugs, glitches, and performance drops
  • Some players may find the storytelling occasionally convoluted
  • The game's duration for the main story is relatively short (approximately five hours), although exploration and hidden secrets provide extended playtime
  • The game may not offer cutting-edge graphics compared to other titles in the genre

Review Breakdown

  • Score 8
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