Vampire Survivors Review: A Bloody Good Time on Switch

Vampire Survivors Excels in Short Bursts of Strategic Monster Slaying Action on Nintendo Switch

Vampire Survivors exploded onto the gaming scene in 2022, clawing its way up from an obscure indie title into a full-blown phenomenon. This gothic horror wave survival game may look retro and simple on the surface, but it hides an addictive gameplay loop that has ensnared countless players across PC, Xbox and mobile platforms. Now Nintendo Switch owners can finally get their fix of frantic vampire slaying action with the recent console port. In this review, we’ll focus on how well the Switch handles this viral gaming gem.

At its bloody heart, Vampire Survivors challenges players to withstand hordes of monsters for 30 minutes at a time. With only basic movement controls, your chosen hero automatically attacks approaching enemies on cooldowns. Levelling up unlocks new weapons and abilities in a random, roguelite fashion. It becomes a delicate balancing act to upgrade your arsenal just fast enough to counter the escalating onslaught. Before you know it, the screen fills with a reverse bullet hell of your own projectiles mowing down legions of the undead.

It’s a simple formula, but highly compelling and rewarding. There’s always a new upgrade to discover or high score to beat. Yet despite the retro aesthetics, it boasts surprising depth through its strategic builds and progression mechanics. For an accessible game that you can pick up and play in short bursts, it maintains a remarkably high skill ceiling. The question is whether the Switch can keep up with this runaway success story. Let’s sharpen our stakes and find out.

Hacking Through Hordes of the Undead

Vampire Survivors distills the wave survival genre down to its core. Your only controls are moving around with the left stick or D-pad. Attacks occur automatically based on unique cooldown timers for each weapon. Despite the simple inputs, learning how to maneuver and position your character amid the mounting chaos is utterly engrossing.

You start each run relatively helpless, with just a basic whip or other measly weapon. Enemies shamble onto the screen in manageable numbers, easily felled by your starting attacks. But as the minutes tick by, the hordes swell rapidly in both size and strength. Grotesque creatures hurl projectiles while devious traps spring up to block your path.

Thankfully, downing foes generates precious XP. Each level-up lets you add a new weapon or ability to your arsenal. There are over 30 options to discover, from classic vampire hunting tools like axes and crosses to wilder weapons like a Santa’s sled or Death’s spinning scythe. Every one has distinct firing patterns, ranges and cooldown times to master.

Upgrading weapons also enhances their damage, area or projectile count. Soon you’re unleashing a screen-filling bullet hell of your own making. Weaving between enemies while letting your automated onslaught do its work becomes a hypnotic dance. It’s immensely satisfying to watch newly unlocked weapons chew through adversaries that once posed a challenge.

Of course, the forces of darkness don’t take your newfound power lying down. As the map fills with monsters, you’ll face ambushes, traps and towering bosses. Prioritizing upgrades becomes critical to staying alive. Do you boost damage or HP? Reduce cooldowns or increase loot magnetism? There are no right or wrong choices, which gives incredible replay value.

Vampire Survivors Review

Adding permanent character unlocks and roguelite progression systems only deepens the gameplay. Leveling up weapons in one run makes them more powerful next time. New helpers like Leda the angel provide unique bonuses to experiment with. You can even turn on modifiers like faster enemies or inverted controls if you crave an extra challenge.

Despite the random elements, skill and strategy rule the day. Thoughtfully combining certain weapons unlocks “evolved” versions with ludicrous effects. Maxing your favorite tools first might make you feel unstoppable early on, but neglecting other upgrades can come back to haunt you later. With practice, you’ll learn how to evaluate each level-up choice to push yourself closer to the 30-minute finish line.

Of course, no vampire hunter’s journey is complete without unlocking new heroes. From Miriam the swordswoman to Poppea the onion wielding arcanist, every character brings distinct stats and starting weapons. It’ll take many bloody nights to unravel the potential of each one. But that “just one more run” compulsion will have you coming back for more.

Despite the chaos raging on screen, everything is cleanly conveyed through clear sprite animations and UI elements. Attacks and abilities are easy to visually parse even with hundreds of enemies on screen. If you ever do lose track of your character amid the carnage, a handy outline appears with the tap of a button. It’s impressive how smoothly Vampire Survivors runs even when the action blows up to bullet hell levels.

At a glance, Vampire Survivors looks deceptively simple. But underneath its retro visuals lies robust gameplay systems with remarkable depth. It executes the core wave survival loop flawlessly while adding mountains of rewards and unlocks that keep you coming back. Once this addictive roguelite sinks its teeth in, you’ll be battling vampires until sunrise.

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Beyond the Main Campaign

The main Vampire Survivors game mode casts you as a lone hunter attempting to survive a 30-minute onslaught across massive 2D maps. With randomized enemy spawns and upgrades each time, no two runs feel the same. The basic formula remains constant, but the journey to the end is always a fresh challenge.

Most stages feature an open arena for enemies to swarm in from all sides. Some introduce labyrinthine castle layouts or obstacles to navigate like mercurial trees. Each level ranges from spooky forests to moody vampire manors, keeping the visuals engaging despite the retro pixel art style.

The difficulty curve is finely tuned. Early waves let you get your footing, while the midpoint sees crowds growing dense with fewer routes to escape. The final 10 minutes become a heart-pounding test of endurance as twisted bosses and elite monsters try to overwhelm you. But finding that Zen rhythm in the chaos during a successful run is bliss.

Beyond the main campaign, bonus modes add variety. These compact challenges distill the gameplay down to pure arcade mode. You might battle through 30 endless waves or survive for 3 minutes straight while trapped in a small arena. There are over a dozen bonuses to unlock, providing bite-sized sessions when you don’t have time for a full run.

The brand new local co-op mode lets you double down on the dopamine rush. Up to four players can team up on a single system thanks to split Joy-Con play. The gameplay smartly adapts for multiplayer. XP is shared between players and upgrades alternate randomly to distribute power spikes. It’s a surprisingly chilled out way to play compared to more frenetic co-op games.

Despite the extra players and powers on screen, the performance remains impressive. There’s mildly more slowdown compared to single player, but it never ruins the experience. If anything, it adds to the manic intensity when fangs are flashing and spells are flying every direction! Plus, combining your friends’ favorite weapons produces utter chaos in the best way.

Everything you’d expect from the full solo campaign is here, from permanent progression to unlockable characters. Local co-op lets you show off your skills to friends and work together to achieve high scores. And you can seamlessly jump into your own solo game after they leave and continue playing alone without losing anything.

Vampire Survivors provides plenty of value beyond the core 30-minute survival runs. Challenge modes deliver quick but intense sessions, while co-op amps up the insanity in all the right ways. Whether you play alone or with friends, there’s always a new way to get your vampire hunting fix.

A Bloody Pixelated Spectacle

Don’t let the simplistic pixel art style fool you – Vampire Survivors delivers a top-notch presentation, especially considering its indie roots. The team at Poncle expertly brought the Gothic horror theme to life within the limitations of a retro aesthetic.

Sprites are full of personality, from your voucher-hunting heroes to the variety of monsters ripped straight out of Castlevania’s bestiaries. Backgrounds set an appropriately creepy mood, whether you’re traversing moonlit forests or decaying mansions. Details like crumbling pillars and scattered bones immerse you in the setting.

The audio perfectly matches the visuals. Ominous orchestral tracks underscore the escalating action.Rain and thunder effects on outdoor maps add to the atmosphere. Weapons unleash satisfying crunches and slashes as you tear through vampires. Everything combines to make you feel like a badass demon slayer, even when the horde threatens to overwhelm you.

Where Vampire Survivors really impresses is with its performance. Keeping up with hundreds of moving sprites and attacks would tax even some AAA games. Yet the optimization here is top notch. On PC and Xbox, it maintained flawless frame rates throughout. Unsurprisingly, the Switch doesn’t quite match that benchmark, but it still holds up admirably.

During most runs, the Switch version sticks to 60 FPS with only minor hiccups on busier screens. Things slow down noticeably in Extreme Mode when the number of enemies borders on absurd. But even at its most choked, playback rarely dropped below 45 FPS in our experience. Slowdown mainly occurred in brief bursts when collecting items or leveling up. Considering the sheer amount of math running under the hood, it’s an achievement.

Of course, the Switch has its limits. Four player local co-op pushes the hardware the hardest, leading to more sustained slowdown when everyone unleashes screen-filling special attacks. It’s never unplayable though, and having multiple vampire slayers leaves less pressure on any one player.

For a retro-style indie game, Vampire Survivors squeezes every last drop out of the presentation. The gothic pixel art oozes charm while the performance exceeds expectations. This is one vampire hunt you can keep up well into sunrise.

The Secret to Its Bloodthirsty Allure

On the surface, Vampire Survivors looks like a repetitive button masher drained of any strategic depth. But beneath the pixelated hood lurks some fiendishly clever design. An array of systems work in harmony to produce razor-sharp gameplay with remarkable staying power. It’s a testament to what indie developers can achieve on a budget.

The basic gameplay formula boils down to move and survive, which initially seems mindless. But the complexity arises in how you leverage your growing arsenal. With finite upgrades each level, you need to choose carefully when boosting damage vs utility. Any mistake can leave you overwhelmed when the undead later turn up the heat.

This constant risk vs reward tension is at the core of what makes Vampire Survivors so addictive. Will upgrading that new spell you just discovered provide enough extra protection? Or would boosting HP let you outlast the next boss? You’re constantly making interesting decisions with no obviously right answers.

That randomness also ensures every run feels fresh. You can’t just bank on getting your favorite weapons each time. Adaptability is key as you’re forced to change strategies based on your drops. This roguelite element gives incredible replayability while teaching you nuances of weapons you’d normally overlook.

After unlocking more abilities, the potential build variety explodes. Do you focus on combining fire and lightning magic for area damage? Or take a defensive route with healing spells and speed boosts? There are hundreds of powerful combinations waiting to be discovered through experimentation.

Maxing out a certain weapon early on might carry you halfway through a run. But you’ll hit a brick wall if you haven’t balanced your loadout properly. Learning which upgrades work best at key checkpoints comes through hard-fought experience. Vampire Survivors is easy to play, yet tremendously difficult to master.

Thatfiltered difficulty keeps even seasoned vampire slayers on their toes. The game stays accessible enough for anyone to jump in thanks to the simple controls. But developing the skill to get over the 30-minute finish line takes both knowledge and reflexes. This combination gives the game incredible mainstream appeal while retaining immense depth.

The excellent pacing also helps maintain engagement. Right as you’re getting comfortable, new enemies and hazards force you to re-evaluate your tactics. The mid-game can occasionally drag, but some temporary slowdown provides a chance to plan your next move. By the end, you feel like a god of destruction raining supernovas of stakes upon the relentless horde.

Despite the old-school visuals, everything has a polish that belies the indie development. Controls are precise, UI conveys everything clearly, and game modes are smartly structured. Combined with the strategic depth, it’s no surprise Vampire Survivors swept 2022’s indie awards.

At the modest price, Vampire Survivors supplies endless hours of entertainment. approachable enough for casual players but with tremendous upside for seasoned gamers. Once you get hooked on its morish grind for better high scores and builds, your neck will bear the mark of its bite for a long time.

Room for Improvement

While Vampire Survivors nails its core gameplay and progression loops, a few issues hold it back from pixel-perfect status. Mostly these stem from budget limitations rather than design flaws, but they’re worth highlighting.

The most obvious is the rudimentary visual style. Bold colors and chunky sprites evoke a nostalgic charm, but get repetitive over long play sessions. More detailed gothic environments could better sustain immersion. Some players will also find the sheer quantity of effects overwhelming when the action ramps up.

Pacing problems occasionally disrupt the tension curve. Opening minutes feel slow as you lack abilities to engage the sparse enemies. The mid-game can also drag before your weapons fully evolve to mow down crowds. This causes lulls between early grind and late-game thrills.

Despite the solid optimization, extreme situations tax even the best hardware. Trying to survive the final few minutes often chugs the frame rate as your screen overflows with creatures and attacks. Skillful play requires spotting gaps to escape danger, so major slowdowns ratchet up frustration.

The Switch port’s co-op mode highlights these issues. Four player local play inevitably spawns performance dips with so many characters unleashing ultimates simultaneously. Slowdown lasts longer than the brief single player hitches. While still enjoyable, it shows the game engine’s limits.

Of course, it’s unreasonable to demand AAA production values from a bite-sized indie title. And nothing here ruinously impacts the core appeal. But with more resources, Vampire Survivors could look and run even better.

As is, the sheer fun factor far outweighs any nitpicks. The procedural progression and addictive gameplay loop keep you coming back. For an accessible yet strategic vampire-bashing romp, Vampire Survivors delivers in spades. Some rough edges don’t stop it from being one of 2022’s standout indie hits.

A Bloody Good Time

After sharpening our stakes on the Switch port, it’s clear why Vampire Survivors sank its teeth into the gaming world last year. This deceivingly simple roguelite offers virtually endless replayability through its procedural power ups and character builds. Underneath the accessible twin-stick wave slaying lies remarkable depth for those seeking a challenge.

Despite the retro visuals, it brings shocking polish and optimization. Controls are precise, progression is satisfyingly tuned, and modes are smartly designed. A few performance hiccups and repetitive sprites don’t ruin the experience. No other indie game delivers so much refined content for such a low price.

Approachable for casual players yet endlessly compelling for seasoned veterans, Vampire Survivors strikes the perfect balance. It’s the ideal game to load up for 30-minute bursts in handheld mode. Local co-op exponentially increases the insanity. This is a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch’s flexibility.

Vampire Survivors demographic spans all types of gamers. If you just want to zone out and grind high scores, it delivers a hypnotic dopamine rush. Or dive deeper into its systems to uncover optimal ability combos if that’s your thing. Regardless of play style, it hooks you in fast and refuses to let go.

Don’t let the retro skin scare you away – Vampire Survivors is a brilliantly designed experience. Addictive gameplay, thoughtful mechanics and mountains of rewards justify its meteoric rise. This is absolutely one of 2022’s must-play indie hits. Switch owners especially will find this portable vampire eradication hard to put down. Load it up and get slaying – you have until sunrise.

The Review

Vampire Survivors

9 Score

Vampire Survivors sinks its teeth into you with its addictively morish gameplay loop and mountains of rewards to unlock. This budget-priced indie packs a shocking amount of depth through cleverly designed mechanics and progression systems. Despite some rough edges from its retro aesthetics, it's one of the most rewarding gaming experiences in recent years. The Switch port makes it perfectly suited for on-the-go vampire hunting. Any gamer looking for accessible but strategic action should give Vampire Survivors a shot. When the sun rises after a long night of play, you'll be thirsty for more.


  • Addictive and rewarding gameplay loop
  • Tons of weapons, upgrades and characters to unlock
  • Surprising strategic depth despite simple controls
  • Local co-op amplifies the chaos
  • Optimized well with minimal slowdowns


  • Pixel art visuals are basic and repetitive
  • Slow pacing at the start and mid-game
  • Performance takes a hit in extreme late-game situations
  • Co-op mode pushes hardware limitations

Review Breakdown

  • Score 9
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