In a monumental celebration of Disney’s century-long legacy, the entertainment giant is set to release a colossal boxset, aptly named the Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection. This awe-inspiring compilation encompasses an astonishing 100 animated Disney (and Pixar) films on Blu-ray, spanning from the inaugural release in 1937 to the latest creation in 2023. However, this extraordinary treasure trove of animation comes with a price tag to match its grandeur, retailing for a substantial $1,500 USD.
This opulent boxset offers enthusiasts far more than just the films themselves. Alongside the Blu-ray discs, purchasers will receive digital codes for each title, ensuring access across various platforms.
Additionally, the collection boasts original theatrical poster art, a cherished lithograph from Disney Animation’s newest musical comedy, “Wish,” an exclusive crystal Mickey ears hat embossed with Disney 100 insignia, and a certificate of authenticity, cementing this set as a true collector’s gem.
A Storybook Unveiled
The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection is presented in a lavish, hardbound, self-standing three-volume format. As you unfold this enchanting set, it magically transforms into a storybook, inviting you to embark on a journey through a century of animated wonders.
This monumental boxset offers an unparalleled journey through a treasure trove of animated classics, from the inaugural “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” in 1937 to the recent breathtaking creation, “Elemental,” in 2023. Enthusiasts will rediscover beloved tales and embark on new adventures across the spectrum of Disney’s illustrious cinematic history.
Streaming vs. Collecting: A Collector’s Dream
While many of the films included in the set are available for streaming on Disney Plus for a monthly subscription fee of $7.99, true aficionados and collectors will relish the opportunity to own a piece of Disney’s storied history in this magnificent boxset.
This exceptional boxset is scheduled to grace retailers on November 14, 2023. However, a select number of sets will be made available for pre-order exclusively on, beginning September 18. Don’t miss your chance to claim a piece of Disney’s legacy in this extraordinary celebration of a century’s worth of magic.
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