Affogato Review: A Sweet Treat for Strategy Fans

A Caffeinated Delight for Anime Fans Craving Something New

Affogato is a delightful indie game that blends genres in a unique way. On the surface, it combines life simulation, relationship building, and strategy elements reminiscent of the Persona series. But at its core, Affogato centers around an inventive reverse tower defense battle system. This unlikely fusion results in an experience greater than the sum of its parts.

In Affogato, you play as the witchy protagonist of the same name. Along with her sassy demon companion Mephista, Affogato runs a coffee shop by day and fights evil by night. The game splits time between brewing beans, taking orders, and decorating drinks in the cafe, and exploring the minds of possessed townsfolk in strategic, maze-like battles.

These psychedelic showdowns pit the player against waves of cute but dangerous demons. You control various magical allies who automatically walk set paths, and you guide them turn-by-turn to dodge threats, gather keys and treasures, and defeat the boss. It’s tower defense in reverse, and provides a constant test of planning and adaptation.

With charming anime visuals, relationship-building, and strategy gameplay, Affogato tries to do a lot. And that ambition is exciting, if not always fully realized. In this review, we’ll break down each element of Affogato piece by piece. We’ll brew up some analysis on the story, characters, gameplay, and more. By the end, you’ll know whether Affogato leaves a bitter or sweet taste overall.

So grab a hot drink, put on your witch’s hat, and get ready to dive deep into this beguiling indie game. This review will cast a spell on you, but we promise it’s only for your own good! Let’s get started.

Brewing Bonds: Getting to Know Affogato’s Story and Characters

Affogato’s story is as comforting as a warm drink on a cold day. It follows the titular witch Affogato as she moves to a new city and opens a cafe, while also helping locals who have fallen under a demon’s influence.

When Affogato arrives in Arorua City, she receives a challenge from a rival witch – either leave town, or help purge evil spirits plaguing the citizens. Never one to turn down someone in need, Affogato chooses to stay and investigate the strange occurrences around town.

The story unfolds naturally through Affogato’s interactions at her cafe, the Witchery. Patrons come for coffee and chats, and over time their problems are revealed. Affogato lends a caring ear, then journeys into their minds after hours to free them from possession in strategic battle.

Affogato Review

These battles make up the bulk of gameplay, but story rings true as Affogato’s driving motivation. She cares deeply about her new friends in Arorua City, even small talk about their jobs or families. Slowly their full stories are uncovered, from recession woes to bullying and more.

The writing tackles these issues thoughtfully, without easy solutions. The conclusions are bittersweet but honest, encouraging reflection. The characters feel real, their problems relatable. Affogato herself is kind and affable, but not comically naive. She simply helps how she can.

Affogato’s most meaningful relationship is with Mephista, a vain archdemon who lives in her shadow. Though high-maintenance, Mephista ultimately assists in Affogato’s crusade. Their odd couple dynamic gives the story charm.

Other standouts include Sera, a boastful columnist masking her life’s instability, and Natalie, a polite woman unhappy with her lot but too gentle to hurt others by leaving. The strong writing and acting makes each character sympathetic and distinct.

The scope of Affogato’s tale stays intimate, centered around the cafe regulars. This gives events more impact than a sprawling fantasy epic. The story unfolds naturally too – finish early, and more free days open up. There’s no delaying the next chapter.

My only criticism is the episodic “case of the week” feel to some chapters. The story works best when focused on the core cast and their relationships, not stray incidents. But the pacing overall is rewarding.

At around 10 hours, Affogato tells a full story without overstaying its welcome. The themes resonate strongly, and the characters feel like real people you’d want to share coffee with. While not wildly unpredictable, Affogato’s tale has an emotional honesty that makes it feel special.

The Daily Grind: Breaking Down Affogato’s Gameplay

Affogato blends multiple genres to create its own unique recipe. The core gameplay loop includes time management, running a cafe, relationship building, and strategic combat. It’s an ambitious mixture that largely works thanks to diverse mechanics.

Each in-game day has two parts: morning cafe shifts, and evenings of free time. This structure takes clear inspiration from Persona, though Affogato’s scope is smaller.

Mornings are spent in the cafe serving drinks. Customers place orders, and Affogato must grind beans, brew espresso, and add ingredients following recipes. It’s a straightforward system, but visually pleasing. The drinks can also be decorated with fun toppings for bonuses.

The cafe simulates barista work without being tedious. Taking orders and preparing drinks never gets old. The recipes teach real combinations like macchiatos and americanos for burgeoning coffee fans.

Evenings allow players to explore the city, build relationships, or fight demon bosses via the main story. Exploring the world reveals some charming locales, though the city lacks Persona’s lively bustle. Relationship scenes are well written but sparse.

The highlight of Affogato’s free time is the reverse tower defense battles. These strategic encounters require summoning allies along a path to defeat enemies and reach the end.

Players choose tarot cards to deploy fighters costing Penta points. Penta is gained by defeating foes. Therefore, damage-dealing units are crucial to summoning more support and advancing.

Maps have directional tiles that guide your fighters’ movement down various paths. Choosing wisely is key – one wrong turn can doom a run. Later maps increase complexity by adding new mechanics.

It’s exciting to test strategies with Affogato’s expanding roster. Combined arms is vital to overcome all threats. Healers patch up damage, tanks draw fire, mages provide ranged attacks. Proper coordination is very rewarding.

The reverse tower defense creates a novel spin on a classic genre. Affogato could benefit from more map variety, but the system stays fun over many hours of play. Beating back cute demons through clever tactics is quite addicting.

Difficulty scales well from easy early levels to later challenges requiring perfect execution. Checkpoints mid-battle lessen frustration from mistakes. I found myself revising approaches, not repeating huge sections.

With relationship building, crafting drinks, and strategic battles, Affogato succeeds at blending genres seamlessly. The mix creates unique gameplay full of tough choices on how to spend your limited time. While scoped smaller than its inspirations, the diverse mechanics ensure fun each new day.

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A Feast for the Senses: Affogato’s Artistic Presentation

Affogato stands out through its charming anime-inspired aesthetic. The visual style nods to manga and Japanese RPGs with detailed character art and bubbly environments. This bright, colorful look brings Affogato’s whimsical world to life.

The protagonist Affogato looks distinctive with her pink hair and stylish outfit. Other characters also have memorable designs expressing their personalities. Sera’s gothic punk style suits her blunt attitude, for example. The detailed art makes each character likeable at first glance.

During story scenes, characters emote fully with energetic gestures and expressions. Their movements have a natural fluidity that enhances the animation. My only complaint is the crude overworld sprites when exploring areas of the city. These lack the detail of the character portraits.

Environments like the cafe and various city locales are cute if simple. There isn’t much visual variety between areas, although decorating the cafe is a nice touch. Different wallpaper and furniture arrangements add some customization.

On the audio front, Affogato shines with top-notch Japanese voice acting. The cast’s emotional range and delivery brings characters to life far better than subtitles could. I grew attached to characters quickly thanks to the stellar performances.

Backing up the voice overs is a solid soundtrack. The music complements scenes nicely without distracting. Jazzy, upbeat melodies match Affogato’s spirit during everyday scenes. Meanwhile, guitar riffs intensify battles. The audio experience is polished overall.

Affogato also deserves praise for its intuitive user interface. Menus are well-organized, interactions respond smoothly, and on-screen indicators during battles reduce confusion. There’s no frustration navigating Affogato’s various systems thanks to thoughtful, unobtrusive UI design.

With charming visuals, expressive voice acting, and clean interface design, Affogato’s presentation aims to please. The delightful aesthetics and audio create an immersive experience that outshines the story or gameplay. While environments could use more detail, the overall package demonstrates artistic care and talent.

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A Bitter Aftertaste: Affogato’s Flaws and Bugs

While mostly a smooth experience, Affogato has some less-than-perfect elements holding it back. A lack of activities, unclear tutorials, and minor bugs occasionally disrupt the fun. There’s room for improvement in a sequel.

My main complaint is the lack of relationship-building events. Affogato never reaches the social sim depth of Persona games. There are only a handful of short cutscenes for each character. I grew attached to the cafe patrons quickly thanks to strong writing, so I wanted more chances to interact outside of combat.

The tutorial also does a poor job explaining the reverse tower defense battles. The basic mechanics make sense after some experimentation, but important abilities like Witch Vision aren’t highlighted early on. A more thorough introduction would get players up to speed faster.

On the technical side, Affogato has some rough edges. I noticed voice lines continuing to play over loading screens after advancing dialogue. The game also failed to close fully a couple times, requiring manual shutdown. While not dealbreaking issues, these glitches break immersion.

For a sequel, I’d love to see more relationship events, expanded city areas, and additional battle maps to vary the combat. Adding synergy between characters during battles could also introduce cool combo potential. And continuing Affogato’s story with new possessed citizens to save would be great.

Affogato reaches for a lot of complexity across its different systems. While mostly successful, flaws like sparse side content and tutorial oversights reflect its indie scale. Still, the solid foundations and charming style make me eager to return to Affogato’s world. Some polish and added variety would make a sequel really special.

One For the Brew Queue: Final Thoughts on Affogato

Affogato combines genres in fresh ways to create a delightful, if imperfect indie experience. With diverse gameplay and charming style, it proves greater than the sum of its parts.

At its best, Affogato delivers creative twists on classic systems. The reverse tower defense combat forces strategic thinking and experimentation. Running the cafe relaxes between intense battles. Both test players’ resource management skills in fun new ways.

The story and characters also stand out through sincere writing and voice acting. Affogato’s motivations feel pure, not naive, driving an emotionally honest narrative. Each character’s personal struggles speak to relatable real-world problems.

However, Affogato stumbles in scope and variety. Relationship-building lacks depth, and technical issues need polish. Given its limited scale, the experience feels short-lived at around 10 hours.

But that time feels magical while it lasts thanks to incredible style. The anime-inspired visuals pop with color, and the Japanese voice cast brings characters to life. Everything from the art to the interface feels crafted with care.

For fans of coffee, witches, and cozy experiences, Affogato is a must-play. It may not revolutionize any genre, but its heartfelt story and unique blend of gameplay make for a delightful adventure. I wholeheartedly recommend giving Affogato a shot.

This sweet indie treat left me wanting more – always a good sign. Here’s hoping Affogato receives the sequel it deserves to fully realize its potential. For now, I’m more than happy sipping this cup to the last drop.

The Review


8 Score

Affogato brews up something special by blending genres in innovative ways. With its charming anime visuals, heartfelt story, and creative reverse tower defense battles, Affogato stands out as a memorable indie experience. Minor flaws like a lack of variety and some technical issues hold it back from true greatness, but the overall package comes together nicely thanks to strong writing, fun gameplay, and incredible style. Affogato may be smaller in scope than its inspirations, but it condenses the best qualities of life sims and strategy games into one cozy and rewarding adventure. For fans of games like Persona or unique indie gems, Affogato is easy to recommend, and definitely worth savoring sip by sip. This sweet treat left me warm, happy, and eager for more.


  • Innovative reverse tower defense battle system
  • Characters brought to life through great writing and voice acting
  • Intuitive blend of gameplay genres and mechanics
  • Anime-inspired visual style full of color and personality
  • Emotionally honest storytelling and themes


  • Scope feels limited compared to similar games
  • Lack of relationship-building events and city exploration
  • Tutorials could explain some mechanics better
  • Minor technical bugs

Review Breakdown

  • Score 8
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