Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update Slashes Lengthy Lobby Timers, Delivering Faster Gameplay

The latest update for Texas Chain Saw Massacre brings substantial improvements, with a significant reduction in lobby waiting times.

On September 12, 2023, players of the horror-inspired game, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, will experience a significant transformation with the launch of its latest update. This update aims to address a nagging concern that has long haunted the player community: the excruciatingly long lobby wait times.

The patch notes for this update are brimming with minor adjustments that collectively lead to substantial gameplay improvements. One standout change that will delight many players is the removal of the lobby timer, a feature introduced in a prior update.

Initially intended to give players more time to populate lobbies, it faced a barrage of backlash from the community. In response to player feedback, Gun and Sumo Digital decided to revert to the standard lobby timer, set at a reasonable three minutes.

Sumo Digital acknowledged the community’s discontent with the previous change, effectively signaling a willingness to listen and adapt to player preferences. The seemingly endless cycle of lobby timers starting and stopping, a source of frustration for many, is now a thing of the past.

Player Feedback Leading the Way

Player feedback has played a pivotal role in shaping the game’s direction, with players suggesting enhancements such as prompts or sound notifications when a majority of players are ready, potentially reducing the timer to expedite the start of matches.

While these suggestions may be considered for future updates, they highlight the developers’ commitment to making the game a more enjoyable experience for all.

Beyond the lobby timer adjustment, this update also addresses other minor nuisances that players have encountered. An issue with the matchmaking queue, where active players continued to count down even after everyone had readied up, has been resolved. This means you won’t have to endure the full countdown timer if everyone is ready to play.

Furthermore, the update limits bone scraps to three uses, introducing a strategic element to gameplay. Additionally, the car battery in Texas Chain Saw matches will now start fully charged, enhancing the game’s balance.

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Embracing the Horror

the texas chain saw massacre

Despite the occasional hiccups in the queue system, many players have found Texas Chain Saw Massacre to be an exhilarating and terrifying experience. This update not only addresses community concerns but also demonstrates the developers’ dedication to refining and enhancing the game.

As the horror continues to unfold in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, players can look forward to smoother and faster-paced gameplay, making their survival even more challenging and thrilling.

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