Capcom’s Next-Gen Leap: Unveiling the REX Engine and Its Potential Impact on Gaming

From Enhancing Asset Handling to Offering Unprecedented Customization: Capcom’s Journey to Revolutionize Game Development with REX Engine

Capcom, a renowned name in the gaming industry, has recently unveiled its plans to enhance and evolve its proprietary RE Engine, which has been the backbone of numerous hit games since its debut in 2017 with Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

The new generation of this engine, codenamed REX (RE neXt Engine), represents a significant leap forward, aiming to address current limitations and set a new standard in game development.

The RE Engine has been instrumental in the success of various titles across different genres, including Monster Hunter Rise, Devil May Cry 5, and the recent Resident Evil 4 Remake. However, with the rapid advancements in gaming technology and increasing demands for higher asset volumes and customization, Capcom has recognized the need for an upgrade.

REX Engine: A Blend of Innovation and Efficiency

The REX Engine is not intended to replace the RE Engine outright but rather to integrate next-gen technologies into the existing framework, ensuring a smoother transition for developers and maintaining a degree of familiarity. This approach aims to bring the RE Engine to the forefront of modern game and application design without the need to build a new engine from scratch.

Capcom’s vision for the REX Engine includes addressing the current engine’s limitations in diversification and customization per project, improving asset handling efficiency, and providing better support for overseas contractors through localization and translation.

The new engine will retain all the features of the RE Engine while introducing support for eight new technologies, promising a more capable and efficient development environment.

Resident Evil 4 Remake

The Road Ahead: What to Expect from Capcom’s REX Engine

While the full capabilities of the REX Engine are yet to be unveiled, and it might be some time before we see games running on this new technology, the future looks promising for Capcom’s game development. The company plans to introduce the REX Engine in phases, gradually raising the RE Engine to next-gen levels.

In the meantime, upcoming titles such as Dragon’s Dogma 2 and a rumored new Monster Hunter game set for 2024 will continue to showcase the prowess of the RE Engine. However, with the development of the REX Engine underway, Capcom is poised to usher in a new era of gaming excellence, combining innovation, efficiency, and a commitment to delivering unparalleled gaming experiences.

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