Preparing Your PC for the Storage-Intensive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Understanding the Impact of High-Quality Textures on Storage and Performance in the Latest Call of Duty Release.

The upcoming release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is set to make a significant impact in the gaming world, particularly in terms of storage requirements. Slated for release on November 10, 2023, this latest installment in the Call of Duty series is poised to be the most storage-intensive entry to date for PC gamers.

The game demands an impressive 213GB of free storage for a full installation, which includes the game files and additional high-resolution textures. This is a substantial amount of space, especially considering that many users have SSDs with capacities of 1TB or even 2TB. The game’s Steam page and Activision’s system requirements both strongly recommend using an SSD for the best gaming experience.

Breaking down the storage requirements, the game files themselves account for 149GB. However, this can be reduced to 78GB if players choose to pre-install COD HQ and Warzone or already have them installed. Opting for the full 213GB installation grants access to the “Hi-Rez Assets Cache,” which occupies the remaining 64GB of space, exclusive of Warzone.

For players who are not as concerned about having the highest-quality textures and are more interested in the multiplayer aspect of the game, there is an option for a more minimal installation. This “barebones” version requires just 79GB of storage, making it a more feasible option for those with limited storage capacity and potentially slower storage drives.

In addition to the substantial storage requirements, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is also expected to be demanding on both CPU and GPU, particularly in large, chaotic battlefield scenes.

To help alleviate potential performance issues, the game will support AMD FSR2 and Nvidia DLSS3, which includes Reflex. However, players with CPUs below the minimum specification should be aware that upscaling may not be sufficient to ensure smooth gameplay.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

In summary, the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is set to be a landmark moment in the gaming world, with its unprecedented storage requirements and demanding performance needs.

Players will need to ensure they have sufficient storage space, particularly if they are using SSDs, and be prepared for a game that will push their hardware to the limits.

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