From DC to Marvel: Zack Snyder’s Potential Superhero Shift

Zack Snyder reveals interest in directing a Marvel movie, potentially adapting Frank Miller's Elektra Lives Again, alongside his ongoing Netflix project, Rebel Moon.

Zack Snyder, known for his distinctive directorial style in the DC Universe, has recently expressed interest in a specific Marvel project. In an industry where directors often cross the comic book universe divide, Snyder’s consideration to direct a Marvel movie marks an intriguing development.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Snyder, who has directed iconic DC films like “Watchmen,” “Man of Steel,” “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and “Zack Snyder’s Justice League,” disclosed his willingness to direct a movie featuring Marvel characters Daredevil and Elektra.

He hinted at potentially adapting “Elektra Lives Again,” a graphic novel penned by Frank Miller. This revelation is particularly notable given Snyder’s previous focus on DC projects and his departure from the superhero genre in recent times.

Snyder’s interest in “Elektra Lives Again” suggests a desire to explore complex, darker themes within the Marvel Universe, akin to his work in the DC Universe. This project, if realized, could offer a fresh, Snyder-esque interpretation of these beloved characters.

In the same conversation, Snyder also mentioned the possibility of returning to the DC fold to adapt another Frank Miller work, “The Dark Knight Returns,” indicating his continued interest in the superhero genre, albeit selectively.

Snyder’s Current Endeavors: The Rebel Moon Franchise

Zack Snyder

Currently, Snyder’s creative energies are channeled towards his new franchise at Netflix, “Rebel Moon.” The first part of this original sci-fi story, inspired by an old Star Wars pitch from Snyder, is set for release on December 22, with a limited theatrical release starting December 15. The sequel, “Rebel Moon Part 2,” is scheduled for April 2024. “Rebel Moon” revolves around a warrior named Kora who seeks allies in her fight against the oppressive Motherworld.

Snyder shared with SFX magazine, a sister publication of The Hollywood Reporter, his expansive vision for the “Rebel Moon” universe. This vision includes a podcast, comic books, an animated movie, and a trilogy of sequels, indicating a multi-platform narrative approach.

While Snyder’s involvement with Marvel remains speculative, Marvel Studios continues its expansion. The upcoming “Echo,” a Hawkeye spin-off featuring Charlie Cox as Daredevil and Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin, is next in line, starring Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez.

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