Gamers Struggle with Refunds for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Due to Steam Policy

Shared Launcher Playtime Calculation Creates a Refund Challenge for Steam Users

Gamers who have purchased the latest installment of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 through Steam are encountering unexpected difficulties when trying to refund the game.

These challenges stem from a specific feature of Steam’s refund system, which intertwines playtime across multiple titles due to the shared Call of Duty HQ launcher.

The Refund Dilemma

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, a continuation of the COD series’ reboot and distinct from its 2011 namesake, has faced a rocky release. Players have reported various issues, including bugs, a lackluster campaign, and problems launching the game, particularly on PC. These issues have naturally led to a surge in refund requests through Steam. However, due to Steam’s unique refund policy, many players are finding it hard to get their money back.

The primary issue lies in how Steam calculates playtime for the purpose of issuing refunds. Steam’s policy allows for a refund if a game is played for less than two hours. However, because Modern Warfare 3 uses the Call of Duty HQ launcher, which is also used for Warzone and Modern Warfare 2, the playtime accumulates across these games.

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As a result, players who have spent significant time in Warzone or the 2022 reboot of Modern Warfare 2 find themselves ineligible for a refund for Modern Warfare 3 under the automated system, as their cumulative playtime exceeds the two-hour limit.

Seeking a Solution

While it’s unclear whether this situation is an intentional design by Activision or an oversight, it does present a significant obstacle for players seeking refunds. The workaround involves directly contacting Steam Support for a refund, bypassing the automated system that calculates playtime across the shared launcher. This method, though less straightforward, offers a ray of hope for those disappointed by their purchase.

The optimal solution, from a player’s perspective, would be for Call of Duty to modify its launcher’s playtime calculation method. This change would allow each game’s playtime to be considered independently, aligning more closely with Steam’s refund policy and ensuring a fairer process for all players.

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