Awaiting Nintendo Switch 2: Will Unfulfilled Promises Be Redeemed?

Exploring the Unfulfilled Features and Future Prospects of Nintendo Switch and Its Successor.

As Nintendo Switch nears the end of its highly successful seven-year cycle, with over 132 million units sold, there’s a notable unfulfilled promise from Nintendo: the compatibility of the console with external hard drives. This feature, highly anticipated since the console’s launch in March 2017, remains an elusive aspect of the Switch’s capabilities.

Despite its enormous success and being hailed as one of the best consoles in Nintendo’s history, the Switch has yet to realize one of its initial promises. While the official Nintendo website still lists the compatibility with external hard drives as a pending feature with no definite release date, this capability has remained notably absent.

In contrast, Nintendo has significantly advanced the Switch’s compatibility with MicroSD memory cards, supporting up to 2TB. This development has been a boon for players looking to expand their library, but the lack of external hard drive support remains a notable gap in the console’s functionality.

Looking Ahead: Nintendo Switch 2

Nintendo Switch 2

With the anticipated 2024 launch of the Nintendo Switch 2, expectations are high for this next-generation console to continue the legacy of its predecessor. One key question is whether Nintendo will address this lingering issue by including external hard drive support from the outset, thereby rectifying one of the few shortcomings of the original Switch.

Another topic of speculation surrounds the pricing of Nintendo’s exclusive games for the upcoming console. Following the trend set by other major players in the gaming industry, there is a possibility that Nintendo might increase the price of its exclusive titles to around 80 euros. This potential price hike aligns with the broader dynamics of the current gaming generation.

As of now, the gaming community awaits official information from Nintendo regarding the next console. This announcement, expected in early 2024, is eagerly anticipated by fans and industry observers alike, hoping to learn more about the future of this iconic gaming brand.

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