Baldur’s Gate 3: A Deep Dive into Player Trends and Triumphs

From hours spent in character creation to the popularity of in-game romances, Baldur's Gate 3 reveals intriguing player behaviors and accomplishments.

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3, the latest offering from Larian Studios, has not only captured the imaginations of gamers worldwide but also presented a fascinating array of statistics that offer a glimpse into player behaviors and preferences.

One of the most striking statistics is the amount of time players invest in creating their characters. Out of the staggering 452,556,984 hours played collectively—equivalent to over 51,662 years—approximately 15.9% of this time, or 8196 years, is spent in the character creation process alone.

This figure underscores the depth and complexity of the game’s character customization options, highlighting the players’ desire to craft unique avatars for their adventures.

Since its full release in August, 1.3 million players have completed the game’s campaign at least once. To put this into perspective, CEO Sven Vincke of Larian Studios revealed in an interview with Bloomberg that the game sold 2.5 million copies on Steam during its early access phase. This completion rate is a testament to the game’s engaging content and the dedication of its players.

Intriguingly, 1.24 million players have transformed their characters into cheese wheels, a quirky feature that almost equals the number of players who have completed the game. This peculiar trend suggests a playful side to the community, with some possibly attempting a ‘cheese wheel only’ run as a unique challenge.

Romantic Entanglements and Heroic Pets

The game’s romantic options have also been a point of interest. Shadowheart emerged as the most popular choice, captivating over 51.3% of players. She is followed by Karlach and Lae’zel in popularity.

Additionally, a surprising 66% of players chose a more revealing approach when pursuing Halsin’s romance path. The beloved animal companion Scratch received 48.5 million pets, a number that, according to the author, still falls short of ideal.

The recent addition of an epilogue and the supremely challenging Honour mode, which features permadeath, brought new dimensions to the game. Over the weekend following this update, 158,000 Honour playthroughs were attempted, but only 464 emerged victorious, highlighting the mode’s difficulty.

As Baldur’s Gate 3 prepares for its Xbox Series X/S release, announced to be revealed at The Game Awards, it’s anticipated that these statistics will soar even higher. This expansion to a new platform is likely to bring a significant increase in player engagement, including, perhaps, a surge in Scratch’s pet count.

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