Hiding in Plain Sight: Steam’s New Privacy Settings for Gamers

Balancing Privacy and User Experience in the Digital Gaming Realm.

Valve’s Steam platform, a cornerstone of the PC gaming community, has introduced an intriguing privacy feature that allows users to conceal certain games in their library. This update, currently available to Steam beta testers, offers a new layer of privacy for gamers who wish to keep parts of their gaming habits discreet.

The newly introduced privacy feature enables users to mark specific games as private at various points: during the checkout process in the shopping cart, within their game list in a web browser, or directly from the Steam client. This functionality caters particularly to those who may be hesitant to purchase or play games due to privacy concerns or simply wish to keep certain gaming choices away from public view.

For instance, someone might want to keep a game like ‘OnlyCans: Thirst Date’ private or not disclose their interest in niche simulator games to their friends. The ability to mark games as private at the time of purchase adds a layer of convenience and reassures users about their privacy on the platform.

In addition to the privacy filter, the beta update introduces other enhancements to the shopping experience on Steam. One notable feature is the ability to add gift games for multiple friends to a shopping cart simultaneously, streamlining the gifting process.


Another significant change is the introduction of a unified shopping cart across all devices. Although this feature is currently limited to the beta Steam client, it represents a move towards a more integrated and user-friendly shopping experience on the platform.

In other tech news, Lenovo has made a striking presentation at MWC 2023, showcasing its vision for a rollable future. The company has unveiled prototypes for a rollable laptop and a rollable phone, each featuring screens that can expand to offer increased screen real estate. This innovation underscores the ongoing advancements in technology and the industry’s pursuit of more versatile and adaptable devices.

Valve’s latest update to the Steam client, with its focus on privacy and enhanced user experience, reflects the evolving needs and preferences of the gaming community. Simultaneously, Lenovo’s presentation at MWC 2023 highlights the continuous innovation in the broader tech industry. As privacy becomes an increasingly pressing concern and technology continues to advance, these developments signify a dynamic and responsive industry attuned to the demands of its users.

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