The Finals: Ban Wave Backlash Amidst Anti-Cheat Efforts

Addressing Unintended Consequences in the Fight Against Game Cheating.


Embark Studios, the developer behind the newly released free-to-play shooter “The Finals,” recently initiated its first major ban wave aimed at curbing cheating within the game. However, this well-intentioned move has inadvertently impacted some players who claim they weren’t cheating, causing a stir in the gaming community.

Since its release on December 8, “The Finals” has received accolades for its destructible environments and tactical gameplay variety. But the game’s successful launch was marred by reports of widespread cheating, prompting Embark Studios to take swift action. Unfortunately, this action, while targeting cheaters, also ensnared several non-cheating players, including popular Twitch streamers.

Journalist Tom Warren highlighted this issue on social media, noting the unexpected impact on players who insist on their innocence. Streamer PRX Jinggg, among others, shared notifications of their bans on social media, sparking a wave of similar reports from affected players.

In one notable instance, Twitter user Viscose presented a gameplay clip showcasing their mouse movements, an effort to demonstrate fair play. Their ban was later reversed, indicating that Embark Studios is actively reviewing and rectifying false bans. This quick response is a positive sign that the studio is committed to fairness and maintaining the integrity of its player base.

Despite these hiccups, “The Finals” has enjoyed a robust launch, amassing an impressive 10 million players in just 15 days. This success is also marked by players’ innovative strategies, including unique builds such as a “cheater-killing machine,” showcasing the game’s creative potential.

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