Call of Duty Offers Double XP Olive Branch for Season 1 Reloaded Woes

Activision's Strategy to Offset Launch Challenges in Popular Call of Duty Titles

call of duty mw3 warzone double xp event

Activision is stepping up to address the rocky start of Season 1 Reloaded for both “Call of Duty: Warzone” and “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.” In response to the various glitches and technical hiccups that marred the launch, the company has announced a compensation plan aimed at smoothing over the frustrations experienced by its dedicated player base.

As a gesture of goodwill, Activision is extending a “thank you” care package to the players affected by the update’s bugs. This package includes an extended Double XP event, now running until January 24.

Additionally, players logging in within the next 48 hours can expect to receive 1-hour 2XP tokens applicable to Player, Battle Pass, and Weapon experience. While this may not fully compensate for the lost matches and time, it provides a means for players to catch up and regain their momentum in the game.

The Season 1 Reloaded update’s launch was far from smooth, with players experiencing a variety of issues. Among the most notable were bugged loadout drops, leaving players stuck in place when trying to access their equipment. Other problems included game crashes, graphical glitches creating visual roadblocks, and a persistent “Fetching Data” loop that disrupted gameplay.

Raven Software, the developer behind these titles, has been transparent in communicating the challenges and their causes. A behind-the-scenes update was shared shortly after the launch to shed light on these issues.

Addressing the Issues: Progress and Ongoing Challenges

Raven Software has been actively working on resolving these problems, with updates being posted on their public Trello board. They have already addressed several issues, including the loadout and Fetching Data bugs, as well as ensuring that Killstreak Notification Banners are displayed correctly. Additionally, players receiving erroneous data corruption messages upon game startup can safely ignore these alerts.

However, the path to a completely smooth gaming experience still has hurdles. The development team is currently investigating several other problems, such as the unavailability of the Bantam feature and various Battle Royale issues. These include improperly equipping Perk Packages, distorted geography in Urzikstan, and inconsistencies with Armor Plates. Players should also note that Dead Silence and some Ascenders in Urzikstan are temporarily disabled as part of these ongoing fixes.

As Activision and Raven Software work tirelessly to rectify these issues, players can look forward to a gradually improving gaming experience, supported by the compensation package and the assurance of continued attention to the game’s stability and performance.

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