Reshape History with Futuristic Guns in Kingmakers

Medieval Strategy Shooter Lets You Take Over History with Modern Weaponry.

An exciting new combination of shooter and real-time strategy is on the way in Kingmakers, announced by publisher tinyBuild and developer Redemption Road Games for a 2024 release on PC via Steam. Kingmakers propels players centuries back in time to reshape medieval history using an astonishing arsenal of modern weaponry.

In this groundbreaking medieval battle simulator, you take on the role of a time traveler sent from a dystopian future to England in the 1500s. Your mission is to alter the course of a gruesome war between battling factions and create a new timeline that prevents the apocalyptic future from coming to pass.

Armed with futuristic guns and vehicles, you gain a significant advantage over the swords and arrows of medieval soldiers. Kingmakers lets you unleash devastating firepower against legions of knights, archers, and cavalry with an arsenal spanning assault rifles, grenade launchers, attack helicopters, and even air strikes. The results promise to be thrillingly chaotic as you essentially bring guns to a swordfight.


Adding to the strategy is commanding an army of thousands in each stunningly realistic battle. An advanced AI system controls every individual soldier as Kingmakers delivers unprecedented scale and fidelity in medieval warfare. You can seamlessly switch between first-person combat and issuing tactical orders to tip the odds in your favor. Calling the shots for your own kingdom while liberally applying modern muscle introduces near-limitless strategic possibilities.

For multiplying the medieval madness, up to three friends can join your quest in online co-op. Work together to besiege formidable castles, defend key allied positions, and ultimately reshape history to your design. With its blend of shooter action and strategic army command, Kingmakers innovates the possibilities of medieval settings and time travel premises for epic multiplayer experiences.

When Kingmakers launches for PC in 2024, it will realize a thrilling crossover of genres and eras that asks – how much chaos could a time traveler cause if armed with the weapons of the future? Get ready to find out and leave your mark on history in the most explosive way imaginable.

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