Got milk? The freshly launched character creator for the upcoming action RPG Dragon’s Dogma 2 is enticing gamers to tap into their silly sides by crafting muscle-rippling heroes that could pass for cereal brand mascots.
Ahead of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s release on March 22nd, developer Capcom has put out a robust toolbox for players to start sculpting their ideal fantasy alter-egos. Budding adventurers can meticulously shape their Arisen protagonist and loyal Pawn companion, tweaking physical attributes like musculature and hairstyles to their heart’s content.
The tools offer impressive creative freedom, for better or worse. Should you embrace the absurd and use the customization suite to birth monstrously jacked warriors with anime-inspired coifs that would turn heads in a Bodybuilders’ Anonymous meeting? Or hew closer to traditional medieval fantasy archetypes? The choice is yours.
Up to five unique Arisen and five Pawns can be stored for import into the full game, allowing players to hit the ground running with their custom comrades when Dragon’s Dogma 2 lands later this month. Capcom is even incorporating community-crafted characters from prominent influencers into the experience as recruitable NPC allies.
Of Course There’s a Cat Option
Never one to pass up an opportunity for lighthearted mischief, Capcom seems to be encouraging the chaos. Officials cheekily tout the ability to create swole, Tony the Tiger-esque warriors through the tool, stoking visions of players uniting to storm the fantasy realm with armies of equally buff cat-people.
So by all means, unleash that inner class clown. Craft Shredder, the hulking feline barbarian with rippling biceps. Just don’t cry foul when he gets stuck in a tree.
Jokes aside, with Capcom raising eyebrows by pricing Dragon’s Dogma 2 as its first $70 next-gen release, the robust character creator offers a nice opportunity for frugal fans to enjoy some free pre-launch fun and experimentation before deciding whether to take the full plunge later this month.