Galactus Confirmed as Main Villain for Marvel’s Fantastic Four Reboot

Reports confirm the world-devouring Galactus as the primary villain for Marvel's upcoming Fantastic Four reboot as the cosmic saga takes shape.

fantastic four

In an update that should delight comic fans, the legendary world-devourer Galactus has been revealed as the primary antagonist for Marvel Studios’ hugely anticipated Fantastic Four reboot.

According to reports from Deadline’s Justin Kroll, the cosmic entity Galactus is “expected to be the main villain” in the upcoming movie, though the pivotal role remains uncast with “no one in talks or holding an offer.”

The news arrives hot on the heels of Kroll’s exclusive that Ozark star Julia Garner has nabbed the part of Shalla-Bal, better known as the Silver Surfer – Galactus’ former herald. This pairing suggests the Marvel Cinematic Universe is finally ready to take the Fantastic Four saga into its cosmic depths.

First introduced in the Fantastic Four comics in 1966, Galactus has menaced Marvel’s first family of superheroes numerous times with his insatiable hunger to consume entire planets. His arrival in the MCU has been long-rumored and hyped by fans yearning to see the immense interdimensional traveler realized with modern visual effects.

While previous reports speculated actors like Javier Bardem as frontrunners, the Galactus role is clearly still very much up for grabs according to Kroll’s latest scoop. Whoever lands the part will have monumental big bad shoes to fill.

The Fantastic Four reboot has been steadily assembling its main cast in recent months, led by Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, and newcomers Joseph Quinn and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Johnny Storm/Human Torch and Ben Grimm/The Thing respectively.

With an iconic villain like Galactus now confirmed as the team’s greatest challenge, excitement will surely build towards seeing Marvel’s first family make their hugely anticipated return to the big screen against this nihilistic cosmic threat.

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