Fallout 4 Next-Gen Release Window Narrows for PS5, Xbox Arrival

Bethesda's timing for the highly anticipated current-gen remaster remains imprecise, but some clues point to when the wasteland could reopen its gates on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

The beloved post-apocalyptic RPG Fallout 4 is getting a shiny, new next-gen overhaul, but the big question on wasteland wanderers’ minds is: When exactly will this enhanced version go live?

Publisher Bethesda has officially announced that the Fallout 4 next-gen update will release on Tuesday, April 25th, 2024. However, no specific launch times have been provided yet for the various platform releases on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Based on typical digital release patterns, the PlayStation 5 version is expected to arrive on the PlayStation Store around 5pm BST/9am PT/12pm ET on April 25th. This launch window could potentially align with Xbox availability as well.

For those located in other regions, this projected rollout would put the next-gen Fallout 4 update releasing at approximately:

Of course, these are just estimated times based on previous AAA game launches. The updates could drop earlier or later depending on Bethesda’s rollout plans across all platforms.

Whenever it does arrive, the next-gen edition of the 2015 open-world epic will give Fallout 4 a massive graphical overhaul. Players can expect higher resolutions, improved performance targeting 60fps, and a host of stability enhancements. Bethesda is also bundling all Creation Club content released post-launch, providing a wealth of new weapons, cosmetics, and even Enclave faction missions absolutely free.


For PlayStation fans, those who own the game digitially on PS4 can upgrade to the PS5 version at no extra cost through the PlayStation Store. Physical PS4 disc owners can insert their disc to also claim the next-gen version on PS5.

Exactly how big of a download size players should prepare storage space for remains unknown, but the PS4 version weighed in around 26GB at launch before any DLC. With footage promising vastly upgraded visuals, the next-gen remaster could be a substantially bigger file.

With anticipation and hype levels high following the successful Fallout TV adaptation, this re-release provides the perfect opportunity to revisit the wasteland adventures of the Sole Survivor with a dramatically improved experiencef. Fallout fans across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC just need to exercise a little more patience to pinpoint that exact moment they can begin pre-loading.

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