Grounded’s Massive ‘Fully Yoked’ Update Expands the Backyard Playground

New Game+ Mode, Infused Creatures, and Ant Queen Choices Transform the Grounded Experience.


Fans of the survival adventure game Grounded are in for a treat, as Obsidian Entertainment has just released the highly anticipated “Fully Yoked” update, version 1.4. This colossal content drop promises to turn the backyard setting into an even more immersive and challenging playground for players.

The centerpiece of the Fully Yoked update is the introduction of the Ant Queens. Each of the three ant colonies now has a royal leader residing deep within their hills. When players encounter these Ant Queens, they will be faced with a choice – befriend or betray the colony with an offering. The consequences of these decisions will ripple throughout the rest of the player’s experience, adding a new layer of complexity to navigating the intricate ant society.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. Grounded has also introduced a New Game+ mode, called the REMIX.R, that completely overhauls the backyard. After defeating major boss fights like the Broodmother and Wasp Queen, players can access this alternate dimension and explore a remixed version of the environment.

“In Remixed backyards, creatures can be infused with the power of Raw Science,” the update notes explain. “Not only do they have more health, do more damage, and attack faster, but they also have unique properties that make them extra challenging.”

Defeating these enhanced creatures grants players access to special “infused” trinkets with randomized beneficial properties. The new Yoking Station also allows players to upgrade their weapons to incredible new levels, provided they can gather the necessary resources from the remixed yard.

Quality of life improvements are also part of the Fully Yoked update, including the ability to load saved games during a multiplayer session, a new object capacity meter, and enhanced Playground mode features like building link copying/pasting and community filtering.

The update is not just about new content – it also expands the platforms on which Grounded can be enjoyed. The game is now available on PlayStation 4|5 and Nintendo Switch, with full cross-play support across all platforms. Additionally, the game now features full Japanese voice-overs, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the backyard adventure.

“The ‘Fully Yoked’ update brings endless possibilities to your backyard escapades,” the patch notes state. “The game has evolved in many ways, such as adding full Japanese VO for all players to check out. On top of that, the game can now be played on multiple platforms, including the newly added PlayStation 4|5 and Nintendo Switch.”

With so much new content, features, and quality-of-life improvements, the Grounded: Fully Yoked edition is primed to deliver an even more engaging and robust survival experience for players. Whether battling against infused creatures, forging alliances with Ant Queens, or exploring the remixed backyard, there’s no shortage of exciting challenges awaiting in this colossal update.

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