Respawn Addresses Apex Legends Account Reset Issue, Promises Restoration

A recent Apex Legends update has caused widespread account resets, with players reporting lost levels, battle pass progress, and in-game items, prompting Respawn to investigate and work on a solution.

The Apex Legends community has been thrown into disarray following a recent update that has caused widespread account resets, wiping out months of progress for countless players. Reports have flooded in from players who have logged in to find their account levels, battle pass progress, and in-game items reset or missing, leaving them devastated and frustrated.

The issue came to light when players began receiving a message stating that “cross progression is here,” despite the feature already being available for several months. From there, the nightmare unfolded, with players discovering that significant chunks of their account progress had been erased, including hundreds of account levels, complete battle pass wipes, and even the loss of coveted heirlooms.

The situation has been severe enough that the Apex Legends subreddit had to lock down to stem the tide of panicked posts from affected players. Discussion has been limited to dedicated megathreads, where players have been commiserating over their lost progress and sharing their harrowing experiences.

In response to the crisis, Respawn Entertainment, the developer behind Apex Legends, has acknowledged the issue and provided an initial update. “We’ve rolled out an update to address this issue,” Respawn stated in a tweet. “Any account logging in now will not experience any lost progress or content.”

However, for players who have already been affected by the account resets, Respawn has urged patience. “For players who are missing progress or content after our update this morning – please hang tight for now. We’re working on an additional fix to restore your accounts to their state before our update, and we’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready,” the developer added.

Respawn has encouraged players to follow their social media channels for the latest updates on the situation, promising to provide more information as it becomes available.

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The account reset issue comes on the heels of a challenging few weeks for Apex Legends, where a major tournament was affected by mid-game hacks, prompting Respawn to promise a “layered series of updates” to protect players. The developer’s swift response to the account reset crisis is a positive sign, but the community remains on edge, anxiously awaiting a resolution that will restore their hard-earned progress.

As Respawn works around the clock to address the issue, players affected by the account resets can only hope for a speedy resolution. The Apex Legends community has rallied together, offering support and understanding to those impacted, while also expressing frustration and concern over the severity of the problem.

In the coming days, all eyes will be on Respawn Entertainment as they work to restore the accounts and regain the trust of their dedicated player base. The developer’s ability to resolve this crisis swiftly and effectively will be crucial in maintaining the game’s popularity and retaining the loyalty of its passionate community.

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