No Rest for the Wicked Stumbles Out of the Gate, But Devs Promise Fixes

Moon Studios' ambitious ARPG launch marred by technical issues and divisive gameplay mechanics

Moon Studios’ highly anticipated action RPG, No Rest for the Wicked, has received a mixed reception following its launch on Steam Early Access. While the game’s ambitious blend of genres and its dark fantasy setting have garnered praise, players have been vocal about various technical issues and divisive gameplay mechanics that have tarnished the initial experience.

No Rest for the Wicked, a passion project from the developers behind the acclaimed Ori series, aims to blend the loot-driven gameplay of Diablo with the challenging combat and stat-based systems of games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. However, the game’s troubled launch has left many players frustrated, with complaints ranging from performance problems to controversial design choices.

Upon release, No Rest for the Wicked landed with a “Mixed” rating on Steam, with over 3,200 player reviews citing issues such as frame rate drops, hitches during world traversal, and a lack of key rebinding options. The game’s graphics menu also lacks individual settings, further limiting players’ ability to optimize their experience.

Beyond the technical hiccups, players have expressed concerns about various gameplay mechanics that deviate from traditional action RPG norms. The game’s weapon and item durability system, which requires constant maintenance and repair, has been a point of contention, with many feeling it limits exploration and adds unnecessary busywork.

The fixed camera angle, punishing fall damage, and limited healing options have also drawn criticism. Unlike many ARPGs, No Rest for the Wicked employs survival mechanics that require players to gather ingredients and learn recipes to replenish health, rather than relying on a renewable source.

Despite the rocky launch, Moon Studios has been proactive in addressing player concerns. The developer recently released the game’s first hotfix, targeting some of the most pressing balance and loot complaints. Durability damage has been lowered, and repair costs have been reduced, while stamina costs and fall damage have also been adjusted.

No Rest for the Wicked

Additionally, the hotfix expanded the early loot table for the Blacksmith Fillmore, allowing players to acquire a wider variety of gear early on. The developer has also promised upcoming performance improvements, controller remapping options, and other quality-of-life features.

In a statement, Moon Studios acknowledged the game’s early access state and expressed a willingness to shape No Rest for the Wicked based on community feedback. “We hear you,” the developer wrote, “While we are hard at work on performance improvements and controller remapping, which are coming soon, please be sure to check the resolution settings for the game to be able to get the best experience in the meantime.”

As No Rest for the Wicked continues its early access journey, Moon Studios faces the challenge of addressing technical issues while also finding the right balance for its ambitious gameplay mechanics. The studio’s willingness to listen to feedback and make rapid adjustments will be crucial in shaping the game’s future and winning over its divided player base.

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