Palworld Patch Restores Full Might to Pal Attacks After Accidental Nerf

Pocketpair Corrects Issue That Had Caused Pal Attacks to Underperform, Boosting Damage Across the Board

In a move that is sure to please Palworld’s passionate community, developer Pocketpair has released a patch that fixes an issue that had been secretly nerfing the damage output of players’ beloved Pal companions.

The latest Palworld update, version, addresses what the studio calls “an issue that caused all Pal attacks to deal only half the intended damage.” This revelation comes after players had begun to suspect that something was amiss with their Pals’ combat prowess following the game’s previous major patch.

According to the patch notes, the fix has effectively doubled the damage dealt by Pal attacks, restoring their full destructive potential. While the community had gradually become aware of the problem, many players were blissfully unaware that their Pals had been operating at half-strength for over a week.

“I am so pissed that I only managed to beat the highest-tier Bellanoir boss after the damage fix,” lamented one Reddit user, highlighting just how impactful the unintended nerf had been on the game’s toughest challenges.

The Palworld development team has been diligently working to address bugs and optimize the survival game’s performance since its Early Access launch on Xbox Game Pass earlier this year. This latest patch, while relatively small in scope, is an important step in maintaining the game’s delicate balance and ensuring that players can fully harness the might of their Pal companions.

Beyond the damage fix, the update also includes improvements to Pal sleep animations and hitbox detection for a couple of specific attacks. These minor tweaks are part of Pocketpair’s ongoing efforts to polish Palworld and prepare it for a full release out of Early Access.


With the Xbox version of the patch now live, all eyes turn to the game’s PC build, which received the same updates just over a week ago. Palworld players across both platforms can now look forward to their Pals dishing out the full intended damage, making them a more formidable force in the game’s open-world adventures and challenging encounters.

As Palworld continues to evolve, the community can take comfort in the developer’s responsiveness to player feedback and its commitment to addressing issues, even those that may have slipped under the radar for some time. With this latest fix, the Pals of Palworld have regained their full strength, ready to stand alongside their trainers in the pursuit of survival and discovery.

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