The Planet Crafter Review: Growing Pains in an Emergent Terraforming Simulation

Witnessing the thrills and challenges of sculpting entire biomes from beginnings as a barren orb.

Imagine being able to shape an entire planet and watch as your terraforming efforts slowly turn a barren wasteland into a lush paradise. That’s the premise behind The Planet Crafter, an indie survival game that tasks you with transforming a lifeless alien world into something habitable for human life.

As a solitary convict sentenced to terraform an unexplored planet, you’ll start with just basic tools and supplies to survive the hostile environment. Using your multi-tool, you’ll mine resources and craft machines to gradually add heat, oxygen and pressure to fundamentally change the world around you. Solar panels, mineral wells and atmospheric processors are some of the devices that can speed things up.

With creativity and perseverance, you’ll unlock the ability to spawn new biomes like grasslands, forests and oceans. Strange alien creatures may even evolve to call the world home. Through it all, you’ll have to improvise to survive rugged weather and build automated systems to make progress less of a grind. Originally released in Early Access on Steam in 2022,The Planet Crafter provides an engrossing virtual sandbox to shape an entire planet’s destiny and witness the transformation firsthand.

Terraforming a World

The Planet Crafter offers players some impressive visuals alongside room for improvement. The varied landscapes, from sandy deserts to snowcapped peaks, invite exploration. Gliding over grassy fields or peering into an icy cave, you’ll spot ore deposits and structures dotting the scenery. It’s easy to lose track of time simply taking in the sights of this alien terrain.

While outdoor areas shine, interior graphics stand out less. Dark shipwrecks lack sufficient lighting, dimming the thrill of discovery. Textures feel less polished too, with flickering or misaligned surfaces. Still, these bumps don’t detract much from the main event outside.

Structures like your shelter blend seamlessly into the terrain. Curving panels and clean lines give them a sleek, optimistic touch befitting humanity’s mission. Character and item designs stay simple yet charming. Your space suited explorer plainly gets the job done without fuss.

Certain effects like fog prove overzealous at times. Yet who can blame the developers for showing off planetary changes? Watching lush greenery blossom as you guide atmosphere and temperature brings a real sense of achievement. In The Planet Crafter, the reward for persevering through rougher moments comes not just in new abilities, but beautiful vistas earned by your own hand.

Mixed Melodies

Stepping out onto the dark planet’s desolate surface, the empty silence truly transported me to another world. An ominous whistle in the breeze set the scene as I hustled to construct shelter before oxygen depleted.

The Planet Crafter Review

My new home offered few comforts at first. Rummaging abandoned ships echoed my own isolation in their cavernous hulls. Flashlight beams revealed nothing living yet hinted at past lives. Who were they and what drove them to this forsaken place?

Small soundscapes emerged amid construction. Panels aligning brought comfort, machines humming hope. Gushing waterfalls later blended with chorus frogs—music none expected to hear. Nature reclaimed its own as greenery spread.

Not all melodies soothed, however. Score sections started strong yet faded too soon, yanking me from moments meant to immerse. Random triggers distracted more than delighted. Our solitary protagonist remained voices, leaving conversations to imagination.

While no soundtrack perfection, efforts enriched lonesome endeavor. Subtlety suited bleak surroundings, accenting humanity’s fragile foothold. Perhaps future works may more seamlessly weave sound and silence, harmonizing advances in story and surround-sound alike. For now, quiet triumphs reminded solace emerges even in solitary stars.

Tweaking the Planet

Transforming a whole world is no easy task, but in The Planet Crafter you’ve got the tools (and time) to gradually tilt an entire environment your way. The key thing is finding a good balance between hands-on work and letting your machines do the heavy lifting.

First up, you’ll need to get familiar with the Terraformation Index – it’s like a to-do list showing what you need to raise the heat, oxygen levels and pressure before kicking off new stages of growth. Figuring out exactly how each factor connects can feel tricky at first, since it’s not always clear what’ll make the needle swing fastest. Still, chip away exploring, mining resources and erecting generators, and before you know it new tech will unlock to speed things along.

Of course, building those machines means gathering lots of materials. You’ll spend plenty of trips traversing the terrain in search of scattered ore deposits and crumbling shipwrecks packed with supplies. It can get repetitive clambering across the same stretches of desert or ice fields, so consider setting up mines linked by teleporters to save legwork. Once automated, you’re free to focus on other fun crafting challenges or Base upgrades.

Speaking of upgrades, the tech tree waits eagerly with blueprints for better tools, shelters, even planetary drones to ferry goods on demand. Yet figuring out what exactly you need to fulfill those unknown criteria can tug you between options. Thankfully staying busy exploring keeps things fresh, and soon new areas bloom with possibilities under your conservation efforts.

With patience and a little friendly nudging here and there, you shape an entire world. It just takes tweaking it bit by bit to reach terraforming nirvana – and having fun’s the real reward every step of the way.

A Lone Voyager

There’s always something new to discover when crafting your own planet. As a convict sentenced to transform this barren orb, you’re dropped alone into the thick of it. Stranded with scant supplies, survival is the first priority – but it’s not long before opportunities unfold. This world offers no easy paths, with oxygen in short supply beyond your shelter. Still, rewards await those bold enough to venture into the unknown.

Camped by your landing pod, progress feels painstaking at first. Yet steady work gradually pays off. Atmospheric processors bring much needed breathability while rising temperatures melt icy barriers, revealing more terrain to roam. Hidden riches also emerge – the crumbling ruins of ships past hold caches of scrap and blueprints for advanced kit. Piece by piece, viability takes shape, from basic ore drills to jetpacks that let you skim cliffs at high speed.

Alas, clues to this planet’s history remain scarce. While logs and ruins demonstrate habitation long past, their stories stay frustratingly obscure. Context lacks around isolated finds, leaving motives vague. More active storybeats could elevate the experience, though serene self-guided discovery retains simple charms.

Overall, balancing mechanics see challenges smoothly meet capabilities, with just enough downtime to savor unfolding progress before new horizons beckon. In this vast arena, there’s no shortage of nooks left to nurture.

Terraforming Triumphs and Tribulations

There’s something really captivating about the idea of terraforming a planet. You start with nothing but sand and a suit, barely surviving those first few nights. But then, slowly, you see life emerge as you work. Clouds form, lakes appear, and eventually trees and animals arrive too. I got totally hooked watching this global change unfold before my eyes in The Planet Crafter.

It really pulls you in with its relaxing vibe. You’re just puttering about, laying down machines and expanding your base whenever you feel like it. There’s no stress like a timer counting down in other survival games. You can just lose yourself for hours tweaking productions lines and unlocking new gadgets without noticing. The soothing soundtrack and gentle exploration kept me zen throughout.

Of course, some waits can be tedious. It takes ages for those terraforming numbers to tick over once you’ve got a big network set up. And sometimes it’s not clear what you need to do next without clearer guidance. A few resource puzzles also stall progress until random loot respawns. But in general, new plants and critters kept objectives feeling fresh.

Visually, the transformations across the biomes are really something to behold. Emerging from an underground cave into a dazzling rainbow forest or discovering a lush jungle bursting with life never got old. Some technical issues do dampen things, like textures clipping weirdly. But the atmospheric vistas mostly make up for it.

Overall, if you’re after a laidback survival/crafting experience and enjoy playing landlord to a planetary scale, The Planet Crafter delivers. Just go with its chilled flow and don’t worry about100% optimizing every second. With its exploration appeal and engaging global development trends, I could totally see myself coming back casually to chart new regions. Terraforming fans will find plenty here to keep them engrossed for a long, long time.

A Planet of Potential

The Planet Crafter presents an intriguing concept – becoming the architect of an alien world. But this first version struggles to bring the vision fully to life. Players are given god-like power to sculpt landscapes and evolve ecologies, yet interactions feel distant instead of immersive. Mechanics meant to propel progress instill frustration at times rather than fun. And while its peaceful intentions are noble, a solitary experience leaves one craving more connections.

This terraforming simulator contains seeds of greatness, though, and with nurturing care those seeds could bloom beautifully. Its designers at Miju Games demonstrate creativity in imagining entire biospheres from bare beginnings. With more polish to their presentation and responsiveness to feedback, their terraforming dreams may yet thrive.

As players invested in their terraforming mission, we remain hopeful future iterations could cultivate richer worlds and smoother journeys through continued hard work. Though this release hit limitations, its concepts inspire vision for even grander adventures to come.

To the developers – know your efforts birth new planets in our minds, even if imperfectly rendered. We appreciate your ambition to transport us beyond our blue marble. With dedication to refining craft, terraforming together could become new reality. Players stand ready to explore whatever worlds you help us shape next. For now, thanks for letting us try changing a small piece of cosmos, if only for a while. Our terraforming continues – see you among the stars!

The Review

The Planet Crafter

7 Score

The Planet Crafter shows glimpses of brilliance amid rough edges, promising foundations for intriguing terraforming adventures that remain a work-in-progress. While its concepts thrill and creative potentials shine through, critical flaws curb full enjoyment in this debut. With dedication to refining both design and delivery, future iterations could cultivate a wonderfully immersive simulation for Earth lovers, space travelers, or any wishing to sculpt worlds. For now, its ambitions outmatch implementation, though patience may yield richer horizons ahead.


  • Engaging concept of terraforming an entire planet
  • Satisfying to slowly transform barren worlds into lush environments
  • Large open world is fun to explore and gather resources
  • Customization and automation offer flexibility in approaches


  • Rough graphics and occasional bugs detract from polish
  • Unclear objectives and terraforming mechanics create frustrations
  • Lacks narrative or gameplay incentives to sustain long-term motivation

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 7
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