The Atypical Family Review: A Heartfelt if Flawed Exploration of Family Dysfunction

How the Mystery Thriller Tackles Issues of Identity

What do you do when superpowers you once took for granted start slipping away? For the Bok family in the new Netflix drama The Atypical Family, grappling with lost abilities makes for troubled times. Modern issues like insomnia, depression, and obesity have clouded the gifts this clan previously enjoyed. Their matriarch, Man-heum, seeks solutions to help her kin regain their old joys and find a new purpose. Yet not all is as it seems with newcomer Do Da-hae’s entrance on the scene.

This eight-part series explores a unique concept: how might super-talents fade when everyday struggles emerge? Viewers first meet the Boks debating their destiny on seaside cliffs. Past visions and skills no longer aid as they once did, thanks to afflictions that plague our modern world. When son Gwi-ju plunges into the waves, Da-hae’s mysterious rescue spins events in new directions. She soon settles into the family’s orbit, but does this masseuse bring healing hands or hidden harm?

Across unfolding episodes, director Kim Jin-won peels back layers on the Boks. We learn what drives stern matriarch Man-heum, desperate to restore past glory. Depressed daughter Dong-hee seeks comfort in food to fill inner voids. Gwi-ju pines for lost love in a world unclear of his place.

As doubts grow around Da-hae’s intentions, might she yet spark something that reawakens this household’s former fortune? Tune in to see how the question of what truly ails the Boks gets answered and whether theirs can become an atypical family story with an upbeat twist.

Fates Entwined

The Boks were once a family blessed with gifts, now struggling as illness clouds what made them special. Each member faces challenges as they search for meaning in a world where mystery woman Da-hae brings both hope and danger into their fraying bonds.

Eldest Bok Man-Heum sees the future, but insomnia veils her visions. As matriarch, she guards her loved ones, yet demanding ways strain ties. Gwi-ju survives each day depressed since losing his wife and daughter, all of which kept despair at bay. I-na too has felt loss’s sting, powerless to grasp what makes dad and kin alike drift from each other and from life itself.

Then Dong-hee finds solace and escape in snacks, using food to fill voids within as her gift of flight recedes out of reach. Each power mirrors personal pains and is now a prisoner of problems plaguing body and soul alike. Disarray defines this family as much as any divine endowment once did.

Into this turmoil comes Da-hae, a mysterious masseuse with healing hands. Her aid lifts Man-heum’s nightmare shroud, opening elder Bok to trust in one whose true aims stay veiled. For Gwi-ju, she stirs fragments of happier times, hinting at balms for wounds that not even those closest can cure.

Yet this new presence proves not all that she seems. Deceptions come to light, unveiling calculated webs woven into Boks’ lives for ends unknown. Her kind acts mask machinations that threaten bonds between kin seeking solace in one another.

Through ups and downs, what becomes clear is the complex ties binding this atypical clan. Changes wrought by Da-hae, obstacles faced and overcome, awaken long-dormant gifts, and forge growth few might have thought possible. Families are messy; strengths are found where we least expect them. These Boks may just transform what breaks them into what will see them through whatever lies ahead, powers or not, when the fates of those entwined face trials together.

Family Fortunes

This drama keeps viewers guessing with interweaving storylines. The Boks once lived freely using gifts but now struggle as illness hides what makes them special. Can they find ways of reconnecting with dormant powers to write new chapters for their lives?

The Atypical Family Review

A mysterious arrival stirs things up. Da-hae’s presence upends expectations; her aid eases old hurts while new worries emerge about true motives. As family ties twist under strains of secrets unearthed, will deepening discoveries deliver healing—or crush long-held hopes?

Episode one sets a somber tone. Matriarch Man-heum laments curses clinging to her kin, stifling talents that traditions demarcate as destiny. But sparks of transformation ignite when Da-hae sparks a change in fortunes, gaining trust until hints of manipulation surface.

Episode three unveils a backstory heartbreak. Flashbacks portray happier days for grieving father Gwi-ju, his joyous past poignant contrast to the isolated present. Da-hae alone seems able to reach him, yet still we question which mask most truly fits this enigmatic helping hand.

Later episodes find fresh resolve. Rescues and revelations show abilities stirring anew as bonds strengthen, facing shared trials. Yet darkness also looms, Da-hae’s carefully laid plans culminating in a test of true character, which may sever those drawn together or see new growth from roots planted in adversity and the unbreakable ties of family.

Renewal and Community

This drama highlights how even disarrayed families find ways of mending. The Boks grapple with the pressures modern life inflicts on abilities distinguishing their line. But within, cracks stem from harder issues—depression, addiction—after wounds of loss remain fresh.

Their powers only mask the deeper troubles each faces alone. Yet together, glimmers of purpose spark anew. As mysteries peel back deceptions, hiding needs unvoiced, bonds strengthening showcase that shared struggles unite more than sever. Supportive circles prove to be the greatest healing tool.

No affliction leaves one untouched in some form. Through delicate handling, real pains surface—of heavy hearts left to fester in lonely isolation. But walls concealing private pains start cracking when others see through masks to underlying humanity. Compassion connects us.

Hopekindles is where the community gathers. The opening of new chapters reminds us that we all possess skills to uplift each other. Harmony grows from accepting change; it need not signal a family’s end; it can herald fresh starts. If troupe and tribulation have taught anything, it is that togetherness triumphs where division breeds more division. Our greatest ability emerges through empowering one another.

Developing Characters Through Craft

From the opening scenes, this drama’s visuals immerse us in the Bok family’s world. Sweeping shots place us on wind-swept cliffs, feeling their isolation. Close-ups reveal how tensions silently simmer just below the surface in weighted gazes.

Skillful camerawork and blocking expose the private pains each character harbors. We learn them not through exposition but by observing their traits emerge within intimate settings and daily routines. Subtle directorial touches unveil what’s left unsaid.

To what effect does the musical score augment emotions? Melodies shift to mirror moods, now buoyant and hopeful, now heavy with burdens carried alone. Instrumentals pluck heartstrings deftly during a family’s bleakest moments.

Perhaps most praiseworthy is the cast’s ability to breathe life into this troupe of complex individuals. With nuanced portrayals, actors equip themselves with multilayered souls. We live their joys and share their struggles as if experiencing them ourselves.

Especially stands out the actress who imbues Do Da-hae with a cunning wrapt with seeming care. Her performance leaves us unsure whether to applaud Da-hae’s acts or shrink from their manipulation. This ambiguity is a testament to her captivating skill.

Through cinematic and performative prowess, this drama envelops us in a family’s journey in a way that transcends screens. Its craft consolidates to grant viewers an intimate glimpse into healing that begins when we meet others—and ourselves—with empathy, not judgment.

Taking Viewers on an Engaging Journey

The Atypical Family excels at crafting complex, multilayered characters. From the nuanced family dynamics to flashes of backstories that tug at heartstrings, this drama breathes life into its troubled troupe. We feel their hopes, share their pains, and root for healing through it all.

Particularly well-drawn is Bok Gwi-ju, whose arcing from isolation to intimacy is deftly charted. Subtly, we glimpse the man he used to be—a lively rescuer now drained by loss. Yet glimmers of his former spirit kindle as his bond with Da-hae deepens—aand leaves us pondering what redeems the brokenhearted.

Besides evolving figures, piercing social commentary rings throughout. The Bok family’s fallen powers mirror the decline of many struggling with societal pressures. Their perseverance, though rocky, resonates as a rallying cry against stigma, often silencing the suffering.

Tightly plotted twists also keep viewers glued from episode to episode. Revalations like Da-hae’s deception and past transgressions thrill while shining light on manipulation, which is all too common. From mysterious benefactors to rumbling familial rifts, unforeseen developments sustain mystery’s momentum.

All the while, breathtaking cinematography transports us into the Boks’ world. Whether sweeping coastal vistas or taut close-ups, visuals reveal layers that words leave unsaid. Melding seamlessly with a stirring score, such techniques tighten storytelling’s grasp.

In weaving complex threads of relationship, relevance, and suspense, The Atypical Family presents a moving, multilayered tapestry. Its deft characterization and piercing social lenses leave us reflectively intrigued—aand eagerly awaiting each new thread this drama will unwind.

Plot Threads in Need of Tightening

From its opening moments, The Atypical Family engages viewers with intriguing characters and mysteries. However, some narrative elements could benefit from sharper focus.

Juggling various storylines proves ambitious but occasionally muddles the drama’s pacing. Subplots like I-Na’s school struggles and the family business investigations expand the world yet risk crowding out central plots. With tighter editing, such tangents could enhance rather than distract from the heart of the tale.

Portrayals of certain characters likewise call for reconsideration. While Dong-Hee’s journey speaks to shared human struggles, her depiction veers toward tiresome stereotypes. Rather than lazy jokes, showing her dignity and dreams could inspire.

Minor roles also remain murky. Figures like Da-Hae’s sister cry out for fuller shaping into dimensional people beyond surface traits. With depth granted to even bit parts, this drama’s empathetic reach would widen considerably.

Romantic tracks, too, play it safe at times. Though Gwi-Ju and Da-Hae engage through hardship, creakier tropes of denial slow momentum. More natural progression, respecting both as whole beings, would strengthen their relationship’s foundations.

To be fair, sprawling plots and incomplete portrayals plague works of any scope. Yet by sharpening focus on its most poignant strings, this series could tell its stories with even greater clarity and heart. Tighter editing of minor arcs and more robust supporting characters would bolster already compelling core narratives and relationships. With refinement, The Atypical Family can fulfill its potential as a resonant human drama.

The Bok Family’s Bittersweet Journey

Well, now, it seems The Atypical Family has given us plenty to think about. This show surely doesn’t shy away from grappling with real issues up close. Through it all, though, there’s moments where hope shines through, don’t you think?

I appreciated how the series shed light on struggles so many can relate to. It takes courage to lay bare such personal hurts. And yet, visibility helps ease long-held pains. In finding shared truths, perhaps we find solace too.

Of course, the journey has had its bumps. Some themes could have been handled more carefully. And the show sometimes lost track of its focus. Yet the heart seemed in the right place—to see each other as fellow travelers, not strangers.

If I had to guess, I’d say the Boks have farther yet to travel. But they’ve got strength in facing hard truths and in each other. Do Da-Hae too may surprise us, for good or ill. Wherever the story leads, I wish them well in healing old wounds.

At the end of the day, aren’t we all just doing our best? The families in this show remind me that anyone can overcome, so long as they reach for understanding with an open hand. So I’d say give The Atypical Family a look, for its light is greater than its shadows. You never know—it could spark some light in your own life too.

The Review

The Atypical Family

8 Score

The Atypical Family draws viewers into the struggles and secrets of a unique yet relatable family, with thoughtful exploration of weighty themes interwoven with an engaging mystery. While not without flaws, the heartfelt characters and poignant scenes make for gripping weekly viewing.


  • Complex, relatable characters
  • Thought-provoking themes of family, identity, and social issues
  • A mystery plot keeps viewers engaged.
  • Emotional depth and development of relationships


  • Slow pacing at times
  • Multiple storylines can feel cluttered.
  • Some stereotypical portrayals of weight and class

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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