Game of Thrones Prequel Likened to Historical Epics of Napoleon, Alexander the Great

The Batman writer Mattson Tomlin compares his Game of Thrones prequel series on Aegon the Conqueror to historical epics, as another spin-off goes into production.

Game of Thrones

As anticipation builds for the second season of House of the Dragon, updates on two upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series have provided fans with a tantalizing glimpse into the epic scale and ambitious storytelling that awaits them in the realm of Westeros.

Among the highly anticipated spin-offs is a series centered around Aegon the Conqueror, the first Targaryen king, being penned by Mattson Tomlin, the writer behind the critically acclaimed film The Batman. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Tomlin shed light on the approach he’s taking with the series, drawing comparisons to historical epics depicting the lives of figures like Napoleon and Alexander the Great.

“In speaking to George, it became really clear, ‘This is history, treat this like it is what happened,'” Tomlin revealed, referring to his conversations with Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin. “Unlike the original series, I don’t have thousands of pages to go off to adapt. I’ve got a couple hundred that I’m really focused on, and in those pages of Fire & Blood, there are a lot of clues. It kind of turns into doing Napoleon or doing Alexander the Great or doing some great historical figure where we know a lot about the guy.

We know where he was, we know who he conquered, we know who lived, and we know who died. That all becomes the plot, and then it becomes my job to go, but what did it mean thematically? How did it feel? What were the emotions when this person died and this person lived? We don’t have the context. We don’t know what anybody said.”

With the Aegon the Conqueror series being adapted from the novel Fire & Blood, which serves as a (fictional) historical account of the Targaryen reign, Tomlin’s approach aims to treat the source material as a factual record, much like the historical epics that have depicted the lives and conquests of legendary figures throughout history. This approach promises to imbue the series with a sense of grandeur and epic scale, while also allowing Tomlin to explore the thematic and emotional depths of the characters and events.

In addition to the Aegon the Conqueror series, another Game of Thrones spin-off titled A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight has also received a positive update. HBO boss Casey Bloys revealed during a recent Warner Bros. presentation that the show is currently in production and is set to arrive in 2025.

“Set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living memory, great destinies, powerful foes and dangerous exploits all await these improbable and incomparable friends,” reads the logline for The Hedge Knight, which stars Peter Claffey and Dexter Sol Ansell.

As the Game of Thrones universe continues to expand, fans can look forward to a diverse array of stories and perspectives, each offering a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of Westeros. With the Aegon the Conqueror series aiming to capture the grandeur of historical epics and The Hedge Knight promising thrilling adventures in a time when dragons still roamed, the future of the franchise appears brighter than ever.

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