House of the Dragon Star Warns of “Heinous” Game of Thrones Moment in Season 2

Olivia Cooke, who plays Alicent in the fantasy series, warns viewers to brace themselves for one of the most shocking and brutal moments from the Game of Thrones universe in the upcoming season.

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon season 2 is shaping up to be a thrilling and intense continuation of the battle between the Blacks and the Greens, but according to star Olivia Cooke, fans should also prepare themselves for one of the most brutal moments in the Game of Thrones universe.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Cooke, who portrays Alicent in the fantasy show, issued a stern warning to viewers: “God! I’d just say, it is Game of Thrones, expect the worst. Expect the very worst possible, and then double it. I dunno what else to say without heavily spoiling it, but it is heinous.”

While Cooke refrained from explicitly revealing the details of the moment in question, her ominous words have sparked curiosity and concern among fans. For those seeking more information, our spoilery breakdown of the event, known as “Blood and Cheese,” provides insight into what could potentially unfold. However, be warned that the details are gruesome and unpleasant, and the event is described as being on the level of the infamous Red Wedding from Game of Thrones.

Co-creator Ryan Condal echoed Cooke’s sentiments, acknowledging the shocking nature of the upcoming scene. “A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones have really conditioned people to expect the unexpected and expect the horrible,” he added. “But, yeah, that one’s pretty horrific. We’ll see what people make of what’s to come.”

House of the Dragon season 2 will depict the next chapter in the battle between the Blacks and the Greens, the two warring factions of the Targaryen family, in an event known as the Dance of the Dragons. The trailers for the show have already teased epic battles and plenty of dragon fire, promising an action-packed and thrilling continuation of the fantasy saga.

As fans eagerly await the premiere of House of the Dragon season 2 on June 16th, Cooke’s warning serves as a sobering reminder of the brutality and unexpected twists that have become hallmarks of the Game of Thrones universe. Whether they choose to heed her advice or embrace the shock factor, one thing is certain: viewers should prepare themselves for a journey that will push the boundaries of their expectations and test their resilience.

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