Call of Duty 2024 Reportedly Headed to Xbox Game Pass on Day One

Microsoft's Highly Anticipated Move Brings Blockbuster Franchise to Subscription Service

In a groundbreaking move that could reshape the gaming industry, Microsoft has reportedly decided to launch this year’s highly anticipated Call of Duty release directly into its Xbox Game Pass subscription service, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. This strategic decision marks the first time the iconic first-person shooter franchise will be included in the popular game subscription platform.

While Microsoft has consistently brought its first-party titles to Xbox Game Pass on their respective launch days, there had been uncertainty surrounding the inclusion of Call of Duty following the company’s $68.7 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The franchise, known for its annual multi-million unit sales and consistent revenue streams, has long been a cornerstone of the gaming industry’s traditional buy-to-play model.

By making Call of Duty available on Game Pass from day one, Microsoft is poised to deliver a seismic shift in the industry, potentially disrupting the established sales patterns and offering gamers a new way to access one of the world’s most popular gaming franchises.

This move could significantly bolster the value proposition of the Xbox Game Pass service, attracting a influx of new subscribers eager to experience the latest Call of Duty installment without the upfront cost of purchasing the game.

“This is the right move for Microsoft because it’s a multi-platform title that is being sold for $70 outside of the subscription and because it’s a live service title with in-game purchases,” remarked games industry analyst Daniel Ahmad. “That model can also work for other Xbox first-party games.”

While the specific details of this year’s Call of Duty entry remain under wraps, it is widely anticipated to be a fresh installment in the Black Ops sub-series, set in the early 1990s during the Gulf War era. Microsoft is expected to formally unveil the game and provide further details during a dedicated one-hour showcase following the company’s main Xbox event on June 9th.

Xbox Game Pass

This landmark decision to include Call of Duty in Xbox Game Pass raises intriguing questions about the potential impact on the service’s pricing structure. While no official announcements have been made, speculation suggests that Microsoft may consider introducing a premium tier to accommodate the high-profile addition, or alternatively, adjust the existing subscription rates to account for the substantial value offered by the inclusion of such a marquee franchise.

As Microsoft prepares to turn the page on a tumultuous period marked by layoffs, studio closures, and the controversial decision to release select Xbox exclusives on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, the inclusion of Call of Duty in Xbox Game Pass represents a bold strategic move that could reshape the gaming landscape and redefine the subscription service model for years to come.

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