Crown Wars: The Black Prince Review: A Flawed Yet Fun Foundation

A Glimpse of Greatness: The Foundations of a Special Strategy Game

The turn-based medieval world of Crown Wars: The Black Prince offers both intrigue and strategic combat. As a feudal lord amid the tumult of the Hundred Years’ War, players must revive their fallen house through tactical battles and strategic development of resources. The developers at Artefacts Studio transport us back to 14th-century France, though supernatural elements spice up the historical conflict.

In this dark time of shifting alliances, the player’s mission is to restore their family name through battlefields both real and fantastical. Soundly crafted combat engages the brain over brawn, with varied character classes, environmental weapons, and elevation tactics rewarding prepared players. Returning to develop hard-won resources, improvements spread influence across one’s domain. A captivating home base gives strategy a lasting impact between missions.

While the story aims to immerse through setting, mixed results leave room for a tighter narrative. Technical hiccups occasionally disrupt the action. Yet absorbing combat and strategic layers connected by fluid progression compensate, keeping armies engaged until the campaign’s conclusion. For those seeking to command medieval skirmishes with both flair and thoughtfulness, Crown Wars may just win back the dynasty.

Into the Mystical Realm

The Hundred Years War rages across medieval France as one feudal lord seeks to restore his fallen house. Such is the setting of Crown Wars: The Black Prince, an epic tale shrouded in shadowy secrets. Though the cutscenes attempt to flesh out characters and advance the overarching plot, stilted delivery and sparse details make the story somewhat dull.

Despite this, the player’s imagination can still run wild in the game’s richly atmospheric world. Forests teem with mystical energies, while crumbling castles house untold mysteries. Strange magics also manifest on the battlefield, where cursed troops shambling into battle alongside bear cavalry would raise eyebrows. This mystical thread, if explored with more care, could have lifted the narrative to greater heights.

Yet beneath the game’s intriguing fantasy shell lies a soul yearning to be animated. Character models stare lifelessly ahead as uninspired lines issue forth, leaving them as cardboard cutouts. Bland protagonists and one-note villains keep viewers at arm’s length. With so much conflict unfolding across a landscape of prophecy and illusion, there was scope for complex character arcs. Instead, the story meanders along a beaten path.

While the historical backdrop and supernatural elements hint at depth, Crown Wars fails to dig deeper. More engaging cutscenes, nuanced characters, and well-written lore could have transported audiences to an unforgettable land. As it stands, the mystical realm feels only half-formed, lacking the magic to fully entrance viewers. With some polish, this epic might have been a genre-spanning delight. For now, its narrative spells remain broken.

Medieval Mayhem on the Battlefield

As a feudal lord in 14th-century France, victory in the Crown Wars means outmaneuvering your enemies in dynamic tactical battles. The game lives up to its name, offering deep strategy and thoughtful combat.

Crown Wars: The Black Prince Review

Players command a small band of varied fighters, each with their own skills. Archers pick off targets from cover, while knights charge in with blades swinging. My favorites are the rogues. Fast and stealthy, they can swarm helpless enemies from the shadows. As battles unfold, it’s satisfying to outwit AI opponents by exploiting each class’ strengths.

Battles take place on interactive maps featuring terrain like walls, forests, and streams. Positioning is key; archers thrive on high ground, while defending chokepoints with shields is a knight’s domain. It pays to lay cunning ambushes too, perhaps igniting oil traps before the enemy arrives. Players who take the time to survey each vivid landscape will find victory.

No fight is won without considering upgrades back at your domain. Earned treasures fortify defenses and train better troops. It’s a rewarding experience to prepare carefully and then witness how improvements aid tricky missions. Players eager for challenge can also seek extra skirmishes to boost their forces.

Through challenges and rewards alike, Crown Wars brings the clash and chaos of medieval combat to vivid life. Tactical acumen and adaptive strategies hold the keys to success on every dynamic battlefield. Fetch your armor; it’s time to lead your men into history. May fortune favor the bold commanders willing to outthink each new enemy threat.

Crown Wars: A Battle for Control

In medieval France, the graphics bring the turmoil of war to life. Fields and villages torn by battle show the wear of fighting over turf. Weathered stone castles stand guard, worn by the winds of time. Within these walls, knights in scuffed armor polish blades to face future fights.

Characters themselves exhibit form and function in a realistic balance. Soldiers move with purpose across uneven ground, bearing gear suited to their role. Archers keep drawn strings at the ready while Paladins patience wait with planted polearms. Visuals serve practical ends, prioritizing clarity in clashes.

Sounds are too spread across this land. Clangs of steel ring out as combat rages. Orders are shouted over the din to direct the disorder. Elsewhere, the ambient accompanies: birds call in the trees and breezes bend tall grass. Audio sets a scene without distraction, only enhancing the experience.

Some technical troubles emerge, however. At times, the action lags under load. Stuttering steps disrupt strategic spacing in skirmishes. Yet overall performance proves stable, with minimal crashes marring the march.

Guiding troops demands deft direction. While camera controls prove nimble, on-map indicators lack visibility. Unit outlines blend into the terrain, obscuring positions. Inspecting terrain also proves troublesome, with clicked tiles not triggering expected actions.

Still, these foibles feel it befits such a fight. Just as warriors must work around weather and weary armor, players make do with minor impediments. Function finds a way, even when form falters. Through the use of steel and spirit, control can be won, one battle at a time. For those seeking an immersive experience of medieval might, Crown Wars may yet stand triumphant.

Crown Wars in Action

There’s certainly no shortage of battles to experience across the countryside of France as you fight to restore your fallen house. Individual missions vary from straight-forward scouting missions to skirmishes defending caravans to more complex multi-objective assaults. Each offers the chance to test your tactics in real-time.

As you move units about the map, alternating between allies and opponents, the pace maintains an energetic flow that keeps tense decisions coming. With careful planning, you can maneuver ranged fighters into covered positions or arrange ambushes in dense forests. Yet the enemy proves cunning, knowing to avoid obvious traps or trying to skirt around defensive placements. Victory often hinges on split-second choices under pressure.

Navigating these challenges presents a steep initial curve with little proper explanation of mechanics. But experimenting reveals the depths of options at your disposal, from abilities that can shift momentum to environmental controls turning the tide. Getting a sense of each unit’s strengths takes time, though adapting strategies helps overcome tricky moments. Later missions introduce more variables that seasoned veterans must adjust strategies for.

Although some encounters can feel punishingly difficult, there are ways to level the playing field. Completing optional tasks before major assignments allows strengthening units and gathering consumables to aid them. Taking on such detours becomes important to facing later challenges, even if it means delays in progressing the central story. With preparation and practical experience, almost any mission seems surmountable.

While combat doesn’t always operate flawlessly, its rewards are memorable exchanges on a grand scale. Leading knights on daring charges or striking from shadows with skilled archers results in cinematic moments celebrating battlefield mastery. Overcoming demanding scenarios through well-designed plans feels like a true accomplishment to celebrate. There are few experiences quite like restoring a fallen kingdom through strategic victory in the Crown Wars.

Crown Wars’ Polish Shows Promise

While Crown Wars faced some bugs at launch, the signs of polish are there. The developers clearly put effort into smooth controller support and optimizations. Combat may need balancing, but care was taken with animations and visuals. And options like remappable keys show the wish to make the game accessible.

Under the hood, work has gone into stability. The campaign saves frequently, preventing lost progress from any crashes. And different hardware is considered; players can limit frame rates to match their machines. This care for varied setups hints at priorities beyond a quick cash-in.

Even more heartening is seeing challenges noted and addressed head-on, like campaign difficulty. Future patches could impact far more than minor bugs. With passionate studios, greatness sometimes emerges through iterative improvement. We’ve seen it before in beloved favorites.

Of course, balance and complex systems take time. But the foundations feel solid, the mechanics show promise, and the team remains engaged. In the months to come, Crown Wars may yet shine brightly if bolstered by such commitment. For now, these signs of polish suggest aspirations beyond mere adequacy, building anticipation for what this medieval world could become with continued development. The seeds of excellence seem to be planted if given sun and rain.

The Promise of Progress

Crown Wars: The Black Prince shows flashes of brilliance amidst frustration. Its vision of medieval tactical combat surrounded by strategic choices holds appeal, even if it is not fully realized. Resources gathered on fields of battle fuel upgrades to bases and arms in a compelling risk-reward loop. Character classes take on distinct roles through customizable skills. Such foundations could support an engrossing experience if only the current structure was more finely tuned.

Frustration arises from flaws like cluttered interfaces, glitchy controls, and spongy enemies sapping fun from fights. Balancing passes could shore up these issues and help difficulty curves feel fair. Meanwhile, barebones plot and character work fail to immerse or compel forward, a missing piece of the whole. With passion evident in historical details, sharpening narrative focus could strengthen investment in victory.

True greatness may remain beyond this first step. But potential remains, as seeds sown sometimes need time to take root. With refinements to smooth gameplay and thicken the atmosphere, future entries may allow this promising premise to fully blossom.

For now, those seeking challenge amidst tactical choice will find moments to admire, despite bumps on the road. But this journey has farther to go before resting its laurels. With continued growth, brighter horizons could dawn for the realm.

The Review

Crown Wars: The Black Prince

6 Score

Crown Wars: The Black Prince offered glimpses of an engaging medieval strategy experience hampered by rough edges. Its foundations of tactically demanding turn-based combat and expanding bases through risky battles held appeal. However, technical faults like glitchy controls and a dearth of explanatory tutorials created frustrations that dulled the shine of these solid underpinnings. Without stronger narrative or character hooks to draw players through, the compelling strategy and combat core failed to consistently thrill. While the foundations seem strong, the current package feels like an incomplete vision of what could be. With a commitment to smoothing experience-breaking issues and amplifying emotional investments, future updates may allow this promising premise to better fulfill its potential.


  • Engaging medieval tactical combat with class customization
  • The risk-reward loop of gathering resources through battles to upgrade bases
  • Compelling the foundation of strategic depth through expansion choices


  • A glitchy and cluttered user interface hampers the experience
  • The plot and characterization fail to immerse the player
  • The steep difficulty curve is not balanced by ample tutorials.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 6
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