Hauntii Review: Ghosts and Glory in a Dreamlike Realm

Battling Below the Surface: Critiquing Hauntii's Flawed Combat

Within the ethereal realm of Eternity, your spirit awakens as Hauntii, a ghost seeking answers in a hauntingly beautiful world. With mysterious powers of possession and an angelic guide by your side, you’ll embark on a quest to unravel your past and unlock the path to a greater beyond.

Your journey will lead you from mystical forests to fairground dreams and abandoned cities, meeting playful spirits along the way as you explore each nook and cranny for hidden stars. These shining fragments hold the key to restoring your lost memories, one constellation at a time.

And with ghosts and ghouls standing between you, an arsenal of possessed abilities will help you along, whether ringing bells or stampeding through the forest astride a mighty elk. So let your curiosity lead the way into the world of Hauntii, where not only mysteries but marvels await among its exquisite hand-drawn scenery.

The Spirit’s Journey

Hauntii’s simple tale packs an emotional punch. You play as a ghost named Hauntii who finds themselves in the afterlife realm of Eternity with no memories. All Hauntii knows is that they must ascend to leave this place, a desire stirred by meeting an angelic Eternian. This guides Hauntii on a quest to piece together fragments of who they were from collecting stars hidden in the whimsical landscapes of Eternity.

Though the plot is barebones, the charm of Hauntii as a character carries the story. Their bouncing animation and interactions with the Eternian forge an endearing bond that viewers can’t help but root for. We feel Hauntii’s yearning to protect this companion and unlock whatever past they shared. The abstract memory scenes unlocked by assembling constellations are highlights, using minimal lines to stir emotion from simple moments between people.

Yet for all its creative worlds, Eternity’s lore and inhabitants remain intriguingly mysterious, with tantalizing hints dropped but left unanswered. The Eternians’ true nature and past persecution by other ghosts could have led to fascinating revelations about advanced civilizations now lost to time.

Alas, any deeper exploration of Eternity’s inhabitants and history is abandoned midway. While gameplay ultimately takes priority,  fleshing out the afterlife’s inhabitants may have made Hauntii’s world feel less hollow.

Overall, Hauntii’s tale succeeds through its heart. Though narrative focus drifts, the engaging visual storytelling in memory scenes and Hauntii’s likeable spirit ensure their journey remains an uplifting one worth seeing through to the end.

Exploring Eternity

Eternity is filled with hidden treasures just waiting to be uncovered. As the ghost Hauntii, players will scour the lush landscapes and peculiar settlements, searching for stars. These glowing orbs are tucked within every nook and cranny and tease players with their elusiveness. However, with some clever haunting and essence shooting, each challenge can be overcome.

Hauntii Review

Hauntii’s main abilities involve possessing objects and enemies through haunting, accomplished by coating them with essence shots. This ghostly substance can be fired from afar using twin-stick shooter controls. Targets glow yellow when they are ready to be haunted, unlocking new possibilities. Trees may shake loose currency, curious canines bark for buried treasure, swimming spirits create shortcuts—every haunt yields surprises.

Combat also relies on essence, either blasting corrupted spirits directly or using terrain against them. Hazards like thorn patches or hostile hauntables must similarly be cleansed. Though simplistic, fights maintain suspense through reactive enemies and skills like dashing. Balancing offensive and defensive plays requires care.

Stars await at challenges’ ends, whether defeating a mini-boss, navigating ropes courses, or discovering environmental puzzles. Creative setups keep players guessing, like manipulating totem polls or ringing bells in hidden areas. Later, more cerebral puzzles and survival sections will up the challenge.

Unfortunately, no in-game guidance exists for missing stars. With objectives left ambiguous, exploration becomes an exhausting scavenger hunt. Players flit between zones, hoping for clues, losing health in the darkness. A star database would remedy this, perhaps describing locations, required haunts, or puzzles to solve.

Fortunately, collecting enough stars to form constellations in the night sky grants meaningful rewards. Experience lets Hauntii upgrade health, essence, and abilities—directly felt improvements, ensuring progress never plateaus. Brief vignettes also unfold, revealing Hauntii’s past in wistful sequences. Between challenges and character growth, immersing in Eternity remains compelling from start to finish.

Exploring Eternity may be a daunting task, but its mysteries unite clever gameplay with hauntingly gorgeous visuals. With a little haunting here and essence spraying there, each secret Eternity holds can be unveiled.

Enchanting Worlds, Memorable Moments

The worlds of Hauntii are brought stunningly to life through an intricate style of hand-drawn art. In each ghostly forest, fairground, and beyond, you can make out the care and personality imbued by the artists into every wavering blade of ghostly grass and folksy phantom. Billowing mists and the gentle motion of beings floating by lend an enchanting air, pulling you into a dreamlike atmosphere poised to uncover its mysteries.

Though minimal in hues, the visuals impart an ethereal clarity that guides you effectively. Even amid pale shades, distinct shapes stand as lighthouses guiding your way. You’ll find yourself drawn to experiment within these charcoal seas through a playful spirit of discovery instead of frustration.

Of course, there were moments where I wish I had yet more control over my perspective to better chart a course. A stray glance away could mean straying too far from safety’s glow into misty clutches. Thankfully, harm here meant simply resetting my bearings rather than a penalty too punishing.

Any minor quibbles melt in Hauntii’s most poignant scenes, where the soundtrack swells to complement pivotal moments with stirring emotion. Without the need for words, the melody and memories conveyed manage to resonate long after, like the most evocative of films. These scenes prove Hauntii excels at crafting experiences that linger in the mind’s eye, showing just how transportive gaming’s interactive works can truly become.

Hauntii: A Quirky Collect-a-Thon with Room for Improvement

Hauntii provides a whimsical adventure through its vision of the afterlife. You’ll guide a plucky ghost named Hauntii as they set out to regain their lost memories and uncover the secrets of Eternity by collecting stars hidden throughout colorful worlds. Along the way, you’ll encounter an assortment of cuddly ghosts and use Hauntii’s possession ability to solve puzzles in creative ways.

The game succeeds in crafting an enchanting atmosphere through its intricate hand-drawn art style. Floating lanterns light the way as you search twisting paths and haunted playgrounds brimming with curiosities to discover. Complex environmental puzzles and experimental objectives keep you experimenting with new ways to haunt objects and enemies. Young players, in particular, may find delight in the whimsical spirits and surprises around every corner.

However, some rough edges take away from the magical experience. The lack of guidance for locating all the stars proves frustrating. While combat brings variety, underdeveloped mechanics result in few challenges. And intriguing lore is introduced before being swept aside, neglecting opportunities for immersion.

Overall, Hauntii presents a charming experimental experience for those who enjoy gaining mastery through observation and experimentation over strict instruction. Its artistry ensures it remains entertaining in spite of its shortcomings. However, improvements to combat, guidance, and narrative focus could have elevated it even higher. While not for all players, Hauntii’s quirks and creativity make it worth considering for magic-loving adventurers in search of new worlds to explore.

The Review


7 Score

Hauntii crafts a whimsical world that shows promise despite rough edges. Its strongest asset is a charming art style that brings the afterlife to life. Experimentation is encouraged through quirky objectives and possession abilities that fuel wonder around every corner. However, weaknesses in combat, navigation, and narrative focus hold the experience back from true greatness.


  • A beautiful hand-drawn art style creates an enchanting atmosphere.
  • Quirky possession mechanics encourage experimentation and puzzles.
  • Charming ghosts and spirits keep the world feeling whimsical.
  • Complex environmental puzzles provide thoughtful objectives.
  • A relaxed atmosphere suits its afterlife themes.


  • Lack of guidance makes finding all the secrets frustrating.
  • Underdeveloped combat lacks challenge or nuance.
  • Promising lore is introduced but then swept aside.
  • Narrative focus could be stronger to aid immersion.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 7
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