How to Trade in Pokémon Go: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Stardust to Lucky Pokémon: This is The Complete Pokémon Go Trading Handbook

Trading is an important part of Pokémon games. It helps fill your Pokédex by getting Pokémon you are missing. It also lets you make your teams stronger. Trading allows you to share Pokémon with your friends. You have been able to trade with friends in Pokémon games since the beginning.

Pokémon Go brought trading to the real world in an easy way. Like the main games, it gives you rare Pokémon and evolutions through trades. Trading also connects trainers. It not only gets you Pokémon you don’t have, but also builds friendships as you journey together. This guide will explain how trading works in Pokémon Go. It will help you trade with friends effectively and efficiently.

Whether you have played Pokémon for a long time or are new, it’s good to understand trading. Experienced collectors can bond over hard-to-find Pokémon. Beginners can help each other out. Trading makes every Pokémon adventure more fun. It is just as important in Pokémon Go as in other games.

Keep reading to learn how trading works. You will see how it strengthens friendships and builds your collections. Understanding trades will aid your progress toward becoming a Pokémon master. Trading opens up more experiences as you explore. So friends, let’s start trading Pokémon!

Understanding the Basics of Trading in Pokémon Go

Trading Pokémon in Pokémon Go is easy. Players swap one Pokémon for another with a friend. The goal is often to fill your Pokédex by getting Pokémon you’re missing. Or you can trade for better battle stats.

But trading in Pokémon Go differs from the main games in a few key ways:

While trading stays true to Pokémon, Go made its own rules. Understanding these basics is important if you want to trade strategically. Filling out your Pokédex and getting strong Pokémon requires mastering how to trade in Pokémon Go.

How to trade in Pokémon Go

Essential Pre-requisites for Trading in Pokémon Go

There are a few important things to do first before trading Pokémon. Trading takes some preparation.

Friendship in Pokémon Go:

The first step is making friends. To trade, you need to add other trainers as friends by sharing your Trainer Code or adding codes from others. Accept any friend requests to become friends in the game.

Friendship levels are also significant. Pokémon Go has four levels – Good Friend, Great Friend, Ultra Friend, and Best Friend. Higher levels mean lower stardust costs for trades. Special rare Pokémon trades may require very high friendship. You build friendship over time by interacting with friends through gift sending, battling together, and doing raids.

Trainer Level Requirements:

Trainers also need to reach the right level themselves. You must be at least Trainer Level 10 to initiate any trades. Reaching Level 10 ensures you understand the basics of Pokémon Go before trading. It takes work to gain experience levels.

Understanding friendship levels is especially important for future strategic trades. With friends made and the needed level achieved, trainers will then be all set to start exchanging Pokémon smoothly! Following these requirements helps trading go well.

Proximity Requirements:

One cool thing about trading in Pokémon Go is that you need to be close to the other trainer. Unlike other games where you can trade from anywhere, Go needs you together in real life.

To start a trade, you and your friend need to be within about 100 meters of each other. This adds to the experience of exploring the real world in Pokémon Go. It encourages meeting up face to face with other players instead of just trading online.

You have to plan trades since you must be near the other trainer. Especially for rare Pokémon or special trades, you may need to meet somewhere to swap. This adds strategy when hunting certain Pokémon or completing your collection.

While trading is still about swapping Pokémon, Go brings its own rules. Understanding requirements like being close by, making friends, and meeting the right level are key for success. Whether connecting with others, leveling up your skills, or organizing trades, each step deepens the trading experience in the game. Knowing all the pieces makes you a trading master in Pokémon Go!

Stardust in Pokémon Go: The Currency of Trading

Stardust plays a big role in trading Pokémon in Go. It’s more than just sparkly dust – stardust is what lets trades happen! Anyone wanting to swap Pokémon needs to understand this important resource.

What is Stardust?

Stardust is something you collect in Pokémon Go from various things. Catching Pokémon, hatching eggs, and battling all reward you with stardust. You can think of it like money in the game. Instead of buying items though, stardust is used to make Pokémon stronger and do trades.

Stardust gets gathered over time as you play Pokémon Go regularly. The more you explore, battle and hatch, the more stardust piles up. This stardust savings is crucial for any future trades you want to make. Without enough stardust, your Pokémon swaps aren’t possible.

Stardust Costs and Their Variability

When trading Pokémon, you always need to pay stardust. But the cost varies based on some factors.

Pokémon Type:

Friendship Level:

So the rarer the Pokémon and the lower your friendship, the more stardust is needed. Common Pokémon trades between good friends are cheap. But legendary Pokémon between new friends will drain your stardust savings fast. Understanding what impacts costs helps make strategic trades that don’t break the bank.

The Premium of Special Trades

Some Pokémon are extra rare and special to trade. These “special trades” have their own rules.

Special trades are for things like legendary Pokémon, shiny Pokémon, or any Pokémon new to your collection. Their rarity means a higher stardust cost than basic trades.

The good news is friendship levels still affect costs for special trades too. Trading with a high level friend saves stardust compared to a new friend. So aim to save special trades for good buddies.

Stardust makes all trades happen in Pokémon Go. Whether a regular or special trade, know how stardust works and its importance. Optimizing stardust usage over time adds strategy when you trade.

Proper stardust management is key for any trainer looking to swap rare Pokémon and expand their collection. Mastering stardust helps make you a pro at Pokémon Go trades!

Special Trades in Pokémon Go: What You Need to Know

Special trades in Pokémon Go are different from regular trades. They swap rare and unique Pokémon.

What are Special Trades?

Certain Pokémon qualify for special trades due to their rarity or distinct qualities:

Special trades give a chance to obtain Pokémon that aren’t easy to find normally. These rare swaps add variety to any trainer’s collection. But their special traits also mean extra rules compared to everyday Pokémon trades.

Restrictions of Special Trades

Special trades have some unique rules compared to basic trades. Understanding these rules is important.

Firstly, only one special trade is allowed each day. This rule forces trainers to choose carefully which special Pokémon to swap.

There is also a friendship level prerequisite. To do a special trade, you need to be at minimum a “Great Friend” with the other trainer. Building good friendships in Pokémon Go is important for these valuable exchanges.

The one trade per day limit encourages strategic thinking for something as rare as a special swap. And the friendship level makes sure special Pokémon go to trusted friends. Together these rules add purpose and care to obtaining special collection Pokémon through trading. Knowing what’s expected can help maximize the chance of a good special trade.

The Importance of Legendary and Shiny Pokémon

Legendary and shiny Pokémon hold a special place in Pokémon. Their rare qualities make them very sought after.

Since these Pokémon are so unique, trades for them have higher stardust costs. But for many players, the draw of adding them outweighs the dust.

Trading allows trainers to get legendaries or shinies they missed out on from old events or haven’t encountered yet. This adds another way to find rare Pokémon.

Special trades add new layers to trading strategy. They open opportunities for trainers to improve their collections with these special types of rare Pokémon.

Understanding special trade rules is important to make the most of them. Whether it’s saving up dust or building friendships, special trades offer fun new ways to catch rare Pokémon through swaps.

Trade Outcomes in Pokémon Go: From Candy to Lucky Pokémon

When trading Pokémon, there are benefits beyond just getting a new Pokémon. Understanding these outcomes helps strategy.

Extra Candy from Trades

Trading earns you more candy for your Pokémon. The further apart you caught the Pokémon, the more candy you each get. This encourages trading regionally caught Pokémon.

Pokémon Stats May Change

The CP (battle power) and HP (health points) of traded Pokémon can go up or down. Their strength can increase or decrease after a swap. While random, it lets Pokémon stats improve with trading too.

These extras add a fun new level to trading strategy. Exploring regions and towns lets you help friends’ collections grow while powering up your own Pokémon. The potential changes also make trades an exciting way to boost lesser caught Pokémon into stronger partners. Knowing the full trading experience ups your game.

The Phenomenon of “Lucky Pokémon”

A special result from trades are Lucky Pokémon. When two trainers swap, the received Pokémon has a chance to be Lucky.

Lucky Pokémon come with two great powers:

Essentially, trading aims for more than just swapping – it can help land very strong Lucky partners too. Understanding these lucky outcomes, like extra candy earned, adds levels to trading strategy. Knowing all the trade effects better prepares trainers to improve their teams and gameplay.

While trading opens opportunities, some safety-focused boundaries exist. More on those next! Following the set rules keeps everything fair for all players. Trading’s rewards make it engaging, but its limits maintain fun and balance for the Pokémon Go community.

One-time Trade Rule

After a Pokémon is traded once, it’s not allowed to be traded again. This stops trainers from repeatedly swapping the same Pokémon until they get perfect stats. Careful choosing is important for your one trade.

Mythical Pokémon Trading Restrictions

Mythical Pokémon like Mew and Celebi are extra rare in stories. So in Pokémon Go, you can’t trade these Pokémon at all. This makes sure Mythicals stay unique and special finds in the game.

These restrictions maintain fairness. The one-time rule pressures good decision making. And reserving Mythicals keeps them highly prized. While trading offers benefits, guidelines like this are necessary to balance the experience for all players. Following the set boundaries respects others and keeps trades an enjoyable part of any Pokémon Go adventure.

Age and Level Requirements

For safety, you must be 13+ years old to trade. You also need to reach at least Trainer Level 10 first. This makes sure players know the basics before trading.

Daily Trade Limits

To keep trading fair, there’s a max on trades each day. Regular trades get a higher limit. But special trades are limited to one per day. This cap forces strategic picks for special rare swaps.

Overall, restrictions like age rules and limits maintain a fun balance. They help guarantee trades stay a positive part of the Pokémon Go experience.

Knowing the dos and don’ts of trading clears the path to safely enjoy its rewards. Whether building experience or planning rare swaps, boundaries support the caring community at the heart of Pokémon Go.

Trade Evolutions in Pokémon Go: A Unique Evolutionary Path

A cool trait carried over from other Pokémon games are “trade evolutions”. These add extra strategy to trading.

What are trade evolutions?

Certain Pokémon like Kadabra and Machoke don’t evolve with candy like most. Instead, all they need is to be part of any trade to change forms.

Popular trade evolution Pokémon include:

Trading opens a unique path for these Pokémon to power up. It makes trades extra useful for helping friends complete their Pokédex entries or obtaining rare evolved forms. Special evolutions through sharing Pokémon provide fresh gameplay angles to trades.

Benefits of Trade Evolutions

Trade evolutions provide big perks that save items and encourage strategy.

These trader evolutions prove there is depth to trading beyond swaps. Social interactions and teamwork become key. Working trade evolutions into your strategies offers unique ways to advance Pokémon journeys. Trading evolutions make partnerships even more rewarding in Pokémon Go.

Initiating and Completing Trades in Pokémon Go: A Step-by-Step Guide

Trading is a core feature of Pokémon Go, allowing trainers to exchange Pokémon and reap various benefits. For those looking to understand “How to Trade in Pokémon Go,” this section provides a clear, step-by-step guide on initiating and completing trades.

Initiating a Trade

Once both trainers agree, you can start browsing each other’s Pokémon collections to find ones to swap. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be trading with friends in no time! Let me know if any part is unclear.

Reviewing the Trade

Once both trainers pick their Pokémon to exchange and are good with the details shown, the trade can be finalized! Let me know if any part of the process ever seems unclear. Communicating with your trading friend also helps to get the swap just right.

Confirming the Trade

That covers the full trading process! Just remember to communicate with your friend, check all info, and you’re good to go. Trading adds fun social elements to your Pokémon journey. Enjoy building your collections through friendly swaps. Let me know if you need any part explained again.

Enhancing the Trading Experience: Key Features in Pokémon Go

Trading in Pokémon Go isn’t an isolated feature. It’s intertwined with several other game mechanics that collectively enhance the overall trading experience. For those delving into “How to Trade in Pokémon Go,” understanding these additional features is crucial.

Friends Feature

The Friends feature lets players connect by sharing codes. Once friends, you can give gifts, battle, and more.

Having friends is key to trading. The closer your friendship level becomes—like Good or Great—the lower trade costs are. Building friendship helps trading go more smoothly.


Gifts can be found at PokéStops and sent or received from friends. They often include items useful for playing, like Poké Balls.

Gifts don’t swap directly, but they do help trading indirectly. Sending/opening gifts helps raise your friendship level with others. And sometimes gifts contain stardust too, which is needed for trades.

Lucky Pokémon

Lucky Pokémon are special Pokémon you can get from trades. They have less stardust costs to power up and always come with high battle stats (IVs).

The chance to land a Lucky Pokémon adds surprise and strategy to swaps. Trainers trade hoping for these helpful monsters, making exchanges more fun and worthwhile.

Overall, trading is enhanced through related features. Friends allow swap connections. Gifts help friendships for better deals. And Lucky Pokémon provide motivation for engaging in trades in the first place. These additions together turn trading into a full gameplay aspect instead of just quick exchanges.

Friends, gifts, and Lucky chances all support trading Pokémon with pals. They enrich trading surprises and benefits, taking it beyond singular deals into deepened social strategy. This fleshes out trading as an entertaining component of any Pokémon adventure.

Wrapping Up: How to Trade in Pokémon Go

Trading makes Pokémon Go more than just catching monsters. It adds depth, strategy, and social elements that strengthen the game.

Swapping Pokémon has always been key to Pokémon. Niantic blended this well into their style. Things like needing close proximity or stardust costs give trades an extra layer.

Trading is not just filling your Pokédex. It’s connecting with others, planning smart trades, and getting amazing Pokémon. Friends, gifts and special moves make trading a full game experience.

All the features enrich trading surprises and benefits. They turn it into in-depth social strategy beyond quick deals. This deepens trading as a fun part of any journey.

In conclusion, trading opens doors for challenges, rewards and partnerships you won’t find elsewhere. Connecting through trading builds collections that show your skill and friendships. So get out there and start trading Pokémon with pals!

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