Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review: A Haunting Mystery Unlike Any Other

A Unique World Like No Other: How Simogo Crafted the Haunted Atmosphere of Hotel Letztes Jahr

Finnish studio Simogo are masters of atmospheric puzzle design. Previous games like Device 6 and Year Walk wove intricate mysteries into intuitive touchscreen games, leaving players thinking long after putting their phones away. Their latest, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, sees them expand full throttle onto consoles with their most ambitiously perplexing world yet.

Set in a remote and ornately detailed hotel called Letztes Jahr, players find themselves drawn into the establishment by an enigmatic invitation from the owner. But all is not as it seems within the labyrinthine halls. Stranger phenomena occur the deeper you venture; keys and codes hide secrets around every eerie corner. To unravel the hotel’s mystifying past, you’ll need to combine clues found in everything from astrological charts to antique movie posters.

Progress comes down to putting pieces of the atmospheric puzzle together rather than quick reflexes. With so many interconnected mysteries, it’s easy to get lost exploring the hotel’s twists and turns. But those willing to slowly tease apart each cryptic layer will find Simogo has crafted not just a game but an absorbing work of multimedia storytelling that lingers in the mind. The Hotel Letztes Jahr is open, so see if you can uncover its intricately bizarre truths.

Lorelei’s Haunted Hotel

You find yourself drawn into a strange and surreal world upon arriving at the Hotel Letztes Jahr. Stepping through the gates is like passing through a veil, separating reality from a vivid and moody dreamscape. The hotel itself seems frozen in another era, with an unwelcoming air of mystery. Creaking floorboards and shadowy corridors only hint at the mysteries within.

As a nameless but no less curious woman, you were summoned here by an odd invitation from the hotel’s owner, the eccentric artist Renzo Nero. Renzo remains an enigmatic presence, though traces of his bombastic personality are felt throughout the hotel’s elaborate and eclectic design. Your role in whatever performance or installation Renzo has imagined is still unclear. For now, all that’s known is that the answers lie somewhere within the hotel’s twisting labyrinth.

And what a bizarre labyrinth it is! The hotel pulls together disparate eras and artistic movements into its surreal aesthetic. Expressionist flourishes and postmodern anachronisms give each scene a dreamlike quality, as if walking through fragmented memories. Sometimes the hotel resembles a 1960s ghost story, others a 19th-century drama marked by symbolist details. Time seems to have little meaning here.

Navigating this place requires piecing together its scattered clues, found within strange relics, cryptic notes, and locked puzzles around every corner. From astrological signs to word games to optical illusions, the hotel challenges your mind at every turn. Solving one enigma may provide insight elsewhere, weaving the disparate puzzles into a hypnotic whole.

Slowly, fragments of the hotel’s colorful and often troubled history emerge. Past generations of the eccentric family who called this place home left their enigmatic marks. But the full story remains confounding, with recurring symbols and characters taking on new layers of meaning the deeper you delve. In this odd maze of artistic mystery, reality itself remains delightfully slippery.

Mysteries Within Mysteries

The puzzles in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes are as diverse as they are devious. From logic problems to codes and ciphers, numbers games to visual tricks, every challenge draws from the real world in unique ways. But this is no mere collection of isolated brain teasers; each one relates back to the overarching mysteries at the hotel’s dark heart.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review

Walking through these twisting halls, you soon realize the value of keeping notes. A notebook becomes your trusted companion, with pages filled with clues in Roman numerals, astrological charts, or strobogrammatic ciphers. Dates and references recurrently resurface as you delve back through your scrawlings. It’s through cross-examination of these clues that patterns emerge, and doors previously locked click open in your mind.

Progress demands putting on your detective hat. A biography raises questions that a newspaper clipping might answer, while deciphering a keyword leads to a locked drawer holding more perplexing pieces. Nothing is as it seems in this place, where puzzles warp perspective and bleed together fact and fiction. Reading between the lines proves vital to discerning truth from deceit and answers from dead ends.

Some challenges even break the fourth wall. You may play minigames within the game or find yourself transported to other realms. These dreamlike diversions don’t merely distract; they comment on themes of art, illusion, and the nature of reality itself. Nothing is placed here without purpose or relevance to the enveloping enigma.

By tying its narrative strands so tightly to the challenges of its construction, Lorelei and the Laser Eyesendows every discovery with significance. You feel woven into the fabric of this warped world and the lives whose echoes still linger in its dilapidated halls. It’s a multi-layered web where every tangled thread draws you deeper into mysteries within mysteries.

Through the Looking Glass Hotel

You begin your strange adventure at the Hotel Letztes Jahr with little more than a cryptic invitation. Stepping through the gates already presents your first puzzle, and it won’t be the last. The rundown buildings hold countless locked doors between you and the mystery simmering within.

As you wander the twisting halls, clues await around every corner, but answers remain elusive. Strange puzzles involving codes, symbols, and timekeeping will challenge your mind. Solving one may yield fresh insight or reveal another locked path forward. Patience and close observation are key, for solutions hide where you least expect them. Poring over the gathered notes proves crucial, though making sense of it all tests even the sharpest mind.

Just when progress slows, a breakthrough ripples outward. A sealed basement reveals its treasures once a light switch riddle illuminates the way. Elsewhere, eccentric art installations scramble reality with novel mechanics that leave you questioning what’s real. Deep in hidden corridors, cinematic scenes unfold to flesh out the hotel’s colorful past. Piece by piece, the blurred lines of its history come into focus.

Yet more stand in your way, demanding all your wits. A twisted hedge maze traps those who lose their way in illusion. Elsewhere, dimly lit corridors play tricks on the eye, shifting layouts to misdirect. You begin to feel less like a guest exploring strange additions and more like a rat locked in an ever-changing maze. Still, glimpses of truth spur you ever onward, keeping hope alive where logic fails.

Step by step, the true nature of this looking glass world comes into view. But as one mystery neatly solves itself, two more emerge to fill its place. This labyrinth holds many surprises yet, and you’ve only started to scratch the surface of its maddening depths.

Mysteries Within Mysteries

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes weave an immersive web where puzzles become pathways to profound themes. The developers crammed this eerie hotel with brainteasers cleverly tied to its surreal narrative.

Every location harbors clues relating to the property’s past and its eccentric owner’s artistic visions. Solving puzzles reveals fragmented glimpses of the multi-layered story, hints emerging from codes, diagrams, and objects steeped in symbolism. Puzzle pieces fall into place, yet new questions arise, keeping players guessing to the end.

Underneath the surface, deeper mysteries ponder the relationships between art, technology, and the very nature of storytelling. Period details mash up nostalgic retro graphics with modern tech, blurring reality. Diegetic gameplay within puzzles pulls back the curtain on the meta craft.

Influences like The Witness and The Return of the Obra Dinn is impressed with singular logic puzzles and reconstructing history through clues. But Lorelei soars higher by weaving varied design styles into a cohesive whole. Puzzles transcend from visual to verbal, physical to abstract, demanding flexible thinking.

Despite complexities, adjustments prevent frustration. Helpful reminders of discoveries and progress await on the menu when inspiration lulls. Developers cared enough to ensure success felt earned rather than denied by poor communication.

Lorelei’s multidimensional charms reward those willing to delve deeply. Fans of thought-provoking adventures will find much to appreciate in this one-of-a kind virtual venue of mysteries within mysteries.

An Unforgettable Mystery

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes presents an eerie mystery unlike anything you’ve played before. The moment you step into the Hotel Letztes Jahr, you know this is no ordinary game. From the haunting black-and-white visuals to the unnerving sounds drifting through empty halls, the hotel is alive with intrigue. And that’s before you even attempt your first puzzle.

Simogo has crafted a masterful maze of conundrums that will challenge your mind in the most compelling of ways. Equipped with nothing but your wits and a trusty notebook, you’ll decode cryptic clues, untangle bizarre riddles, and piece together the hotel’s shadowy past. Every new discovery provides another clue, yet it leaves more questions in its wake. At every turn, the puzzles unfold the story in delightful, unexpected directions.

What starts as a mysterious invitation soon reveals deeper layers of deception. As more of the hotel’s fragmented history is illuminated, so too are the fates of its past occupants. Their interwoven narratives will keep you guessing to the very end. Few games can call upon logic and imagination alike with such ingenious flair. But it’s the seamless marriage of narrative and mechanics that makes Lorelei so memorably hypnotic.

When at last you grasp the full scope of the Hotel Letztes Jahr’s strange proceedings, you’ll find it hard to leave. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes proves that thoughtful, atmospheric storytelling and mind-bending design can forge a gaming experience as brilliant as it is unforgettable.

The Review

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

10 Score

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a work of artistry and imagination, offering a challenge unlike any other game. With its meticulously crafted mysteries, haunting atmosphere, and seamless synthesis of story and puzzles, Simogo has delivered an unforgettable experience that will leave lasting impressions.


  • Atmospheric and unique black and white art style with haunting soundtrack
  • Incredibly intricate puzzles that are tightly woven into the narrative
  • A dense mystery with multiple timelines and characters to unravel
  • Rewards exploration and note-taking with interconnected clues
  • Highly replayable due to the nonlinear structure


  • Steep learning curve for more complex puzzles
  • Frustrating if you get stuck without the right clue
  • Minimal guidance can lead to aimless wandering.
  • Dense lore may be off-putting for more casual players.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 10
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